A shocking story of ‘care’ in today’s NHS.
Around 34,000 people die unnecessarily in NHS hospitals every year and another 25,000 are unnecessarily permanently disabled.
These victims of NHS mistakes, bad hygiene and poor care are our loved ones – grandparents, parents, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children and friends. Amanda Steane’s Who cares? is just one of these 59,000 horror stories.
Her husband Paul went into hospital for minor surgery. After repeated mistakes and neglect by inexperienced doctors and over-worked nurses in dirty wards, Paul emerged a helpless invalid. In constant pain and unable to walk, communicate or breathe properly, Paul took his own life.
Hospital management tried to avoid responsibility by claiming that key parts of Paul’s medical records were ‘lost’. But a nurse, outraged at how Paul was treated, sent Amanda copies of the ‘lost’ medical records. These showed that hospital managers were probably lying and the police started to investigate.