
October 2024

How stupid/evil are the climate catastrophists?

Thursday blog

I think I’m running out of ideas and may soon decide to stop plaguing the world with my ignorant opinions. But before I go, here’s probably one of the simplest charts ever published:

Surely even a climate catastrophist or a UK politician or the useless BBC should be able to see that […]

Do you believe Honest Sir Keir’s £63bn conference success?

Tuesday-Wednesday blog

Here’s our Prime Minister giving the details of the massive investments in Britain which he has apparently almost single-handedly managed to secure:

It’s quite impressive how he managed to do all this while also deciding which of his £32,000 of new suits and pairs of glasses to wear.

If I had any […]

Ed Miliband’s cunning plan to cut our energy bills

Monday blog

I’ve just had a Eureka moment, I think.

I’ve just realised that Ed MIliband will actually manage to cut our energy bills.

Last week a warning was apparently sent out to energy suppliers warning of possible shortages and blackouts (can I write ‘black-outs’ or is that racist?) due to cold temperatures and […]

Water rip-off!

Friday-weekend blog

Drowning in our money

There has been lots of huffing and puffing by the chattering classes about the massive amounts of sh*t our water companies have been enthusiastically pouring into our rivers and seas. But the water companies squeal that it’s not their fault and claim that they need to hugely increase […]

Do you know the meaning of the word ‘invest’? ‘Our’ BBC doesn’t

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Here’s just one of the many utterly-futile complaints I’ve made to our useless, UK-hating, Labour-loving, migrant-hugging, climate-crisis-proseletysing BBC recently.


The usual BBC Pro-Labour Bias

When reporting about the Labour Party, the BBC reporters constantly claim Labour are “investing” in public services. The definition of “investing” is “put (money) into […]

The most futile waste of time – complaining about BBC bias

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Recently I’ve made 4 or 5 complaints to the useless, UK-hating, migrant-loving, anti-semitic BBC. I guess this shows what an empty life I must have to waste my time in this way.

Anyway, here are just two of my most recent complaints. Hopefully you’ll notice two issues:

the BBC reply never actually […]

A resignation letter from hell?

Tuesday blog

Usually a politician’s resignation letter starts with some waffle about ‘what an honour it has been to serve with you, but….’. Not so with Labour MP Rosie Duffield’s which lambasts multi-tier Keir for his greed, corruption, nepotism and betrayal of Labour values.

Duffield, from the little I understand, had previously locked horns […]