
August 2024

Try explaining this Mr Two-Tier Keir

Friday-weekend blog

I almost missed this story because of the headline. The headline read: “Man assulted 3 Asian women he berated for their appearance”. The headline should have been: “Asian man assaulted 3 Asian women he berated for their appearance”.

Here’s what was reported: “A man berated three women “prostitutes” for not wearing traditional […]

Britain’s lickspittle ‘journalists’ give Starmer an easy ride

Wednesday-Thursday blog

I’m embarrassed to admit that I watched all of KIm Jong Keir’s speech in the Downing Street Rose Garden and the following journalists’ questions. This wasn’t intentional. I was in my gym with GB News on in the background when Starmer did his ‘blame-the-evil-Tories’ rant.

I won’t bother going into all the […]

“No quick fixes” says Kim Jong Keir

Monday-Tuesday blog

We knew it all along

When I wrote my Saturday blog, I knew that the Solingen (Germany) murderer was an Arab-looking man who, some witnesses claimed, shouted something about his “snackbar” as he stabbed people attending a Diversity Festival. But I was afraid to mention this as there was a risk that […]

Germany knife attack – nobody saw anything

Saturday blog

One has to very careful about what one writes nowadays otherwise Yvette ‘Jackboot’ Cooper’s uniformed thugs will come calling. But I was somewhat surprised that a knifeman in Solingen (Germany) could stab 3 people to death and injure 8 others (5 seriously) in the middle of a crowd and we’re expected to […]

Guilty until judged guilty

Friday-weekend blog

(Apologies if you already know about this)

In my previous blog, I featured this image from a tweet sent out by Yvette ‘Trotsky’ Cooper’s Home Office:

Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to copy the whole tweet. I still haven’t worked it out. But someone else has. So here’s a more complete version:


Arrest the protestors! Free the criminals!

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Arrest the protestors

Thus is apparently an image sent out in a recent tweet by the fragrant Yvette Cooper’s utterly incompetent and congenitally useless Home Office:

I imagine the aim is to terrify us all into silence so we don’t dare mention any qualms about our government’s enthusiasm for importing the Third […]

Why are we giving free ferry services to illegals ?

Monday-Tuesday blog

My complaint to the BBC

First I thought it mentioning a complaint I have just sent to the BBC. The complaint is fairly self-explanatory. I’m interested to see how the BBC fobs me off by insisting on its supposed ‘impartiality’ while actually telling me to Foxtrot Oscar.

Here’s my complaint: Your presenter […]

‘Blacks’ and ‘Tans’ – Ireland’s future

Friday-weekend blog

According to that ever reliable source of information – Wikipedia – the ‘Black and Tans’ were constables recruited into the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) as reinforcements during the Irish War of Independence. Recruitment began in Great Britain in January 1920, and about 10,000 men enlisted during the conflict. The nickname “Black and […]

Maybe it’s the family who have “blood on their hands”?

Wednesday blog

I wasn’t intending to watch the BBC Panorama programme about Nottingham knife murderer Valdo Calocane. But eventually I did watch it with steadily rising disgust. I have to be careful what I write because of possible legal repercussions. But hopefully we’re still allowed to give our own opinions in the brief few […]

When will White British become a minority in their own country?

Monday-Tuesday blog

First I should make it clear that I am in no way trying to stir up any form of discrimination, social unrest or violence. Why would I need to when the (IMHO) fake Conservatives and (IMHO) stalinist, free-speech-loathing Labour are already doing a tremendous job destroying what little is left of British […]