
May 2024

Here’s some real genocide. How about protesting about this?

Friday blog

Here’s a rather unpleasant photo from Sudan where Arab/Muslim militias are slaughtering every black African they can find:

I believe over 220 black Africans were slaughtered by the Muslim Arabs in just one incident.

I wonder if the BBC or any UK Hamas-adoring mainstream media will think this genocide worth mentioning? I […]

Should we ever trust our doctors again?

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Hopefully many readers are realising what a disaster the mass vaccination with fake and ineffective Covid-19 supposed vaccines was. It is probable that the vaccines did reduce the number of hospitalisations among the frail and elderly during the first phase of the Covid pandemic. But it is becoming clear that natural immunity […]

Ozempic is no wonder drug

Don’t be fooled by Big Pharma’s ‘relative vs absolute risk’ trick

How Big Pharma works – against us

Indian TV asks – “Has Britain become a Third-World country?”

Britain’s ‘Roadrunner’ economics

“It’s all still to play for” claim lying fake Tories

Wednesday-Thursday blog

The lying game

We’re seemingly stuck in a strange charade. Following the local elections disaster for the incompetent self-serving, expenses-fiddling, sexually-deviant fake Tories, it seems that the official lines Conservative MPs have been ordered to spout at every interview are “It’s all still to play for” and “the election result isn’t a […]

Hey, Russians! You’re dying to make your bosses billionaires

Monday-Tuesday blog

With so many excellent websites (for example, The Daily Sceptic and The Conservative Woman) and so many great YouTube channels (for example, Neil Oliver’s monologues and Simon Webb’s History Debunked) it’s getting increasingly difficult to find something to write about which hasn’t been covered by loads of other people. But I’ll try […]

Will they ever apologise to us?

Friday-weekend blog

As the evidence mounts up of the damage caused by the ‘miracle’ vaccines – myocarditis, pericarditis, turbo-charging of cancers, destruction of the body’s natural immune system etc etc – it’s fun to look back and remember those who bullied us into being jabbed.

I’ve been trying to find the clip where […]