
April 2021

Climate Catastrophe? Thank goodness for Sky News Australia

Friday/weekend blog

If you watch the BBC or C4 News you’ll know that the greatest President the U.S. has ever had – Joe ‘what day is it today’ Biden celebrated ‘Earth Day’ with a hugely successful video conference with world leaders in which they all promised to limit emissions of that deadly gas, CO2, in […]

The liars lie about the “97% of scientists”.

(Monday to Thursday blog)

Regular readers will know that I’m currently working on a new book about the supposed catastrophe of man-made global warming. The book will be called THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS:

Hopefully it will be finished by the end of May.

One of the supposedly strongest arguments supposedly ‘proving’ […]

How many Brits will die because Boris grovelled to corrupt India?

(Friday/weekend blog)

I wanted to write about supposed Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming today as yesterday (or maybe it’s today) was “Save the Earth Day” or some monumental crap like that. But then I caught sight of a small news item that probably wasn’t reported widely in the UK mainstream media as to mention it would […]

Maybe you shouldn’t have married your cousin, dickheads!

(Monday – Thursday blog)

Here’s a news story I just got sent to me by my ever-so-woke email provider – Yahoo:

A taskforce is being set up to tackle baby deaths in Birmingham, after a report revealed infant mortality rates in the city are nearly twice the national average, with families from Pakistani backgrounds disproportionately […]

Why are we committing economic suicide?

(Friday/weekend blog)

Today on the news, we learnt that year on year economic growth in China had reached an incredible 14+% as China benefitted from the Chinese-plague economic devastation it had unleashed from a Wuhan lab on the rest of the world. After all, China has been the main supplier of things like PPE, hospital […]

Are the Northern Irish smart enough to ever live in peace?

(Monday to Thursday blog)

I imagine many people who live outside Northern Ireland are looking at the recent outbreaks of violence and wondering what on earth the Northern Irish are fighting about now – so many years after the supposed Peace Process.

I came across a blog I wrote a couple of years ago highlighting […]

Ha-ha-ha-ha! Made in China crap vaccine doesn’t work

Friday/weekend blog

Well, well, who would have thunk it? It seems that the crap Made in China vaccine doesn’t work.

Chile has probably the leading level of vaccination of any South American country and is close to the levels of Israel and the UK and above the US level:

(to see the charts more clearly, […]

Just another typical 2 weeks of tolerance from the world’s most tolerant people?

Wednesday/Thursday blog

The last couple of weeks have yet again have demonstrated the familiar wonderful degree of tolerance from the world’s most tolerant people.

A weekend of slaughter in Iraq

On Sunday afternoon, twelve people were killed when a bomb attack targeted Shia pilgrims in Baghdad’s northern neighborhood of Waziriyah as they were heading to […]

It leaked from a Wuhan lab! It leaked from a Wuhan lab! It leaked from a Wuhan lab!

(Monday/Tuesday blog)

It’s almost certain that the Chinese Covid-19 plague was accidentally leaked from one of the two research institutes in Wuhan – either the biosafety level-4 Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) or else the biosafety level-2 Wuhan Centre for Disease Control (Wuhan CDC).

Dr Peng Zhou’s research on bats

Readers will hopefully know that […]

Why does a state school need a “Marketing and Public Relations Officer”???????

(Friday/weekend blog)

I thought readers might be interested/amused/disgusted (delete as appropriate) by a job ad that somehow appeared in my email inbox. The job was for a Marketing and Public Relations Officer for St Edwards School. This is a state school run by Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP Council).

If St Edwards was a […]