By David Craig, on September 30th, 2016 (Snouts-in-the-trough – a daily blog that is heavily self-censored to avoid the writer being killed by those who get violent when they feel they are being offended. Welcome to the new ‘free speech is prohibited’ Britain)
They say that travel broadens the mind. So, as part of snouts-in-the-trough’s mission to educate and inform, I thought […]
By David Craig, on September 29th, 2016 Dementia day for me today. However, as part of snouts-in-the-trough’s mission to educate and inform, I’d like to warn you all of the dangers of fake, cancer-infected Zamzam.
The Well of Zamzam (or the Zamzam Well, or just Zamzam) is a well located within the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca 20 m (66 ft) east of […]
By David Craig, on September 28th, 2016 They don’t care when you’re already a customer
I’ve been trying to arrange phone and Internet for a new home I have bought. So far, without much success.
There’s no problem when I call up the companies and press the various buttons showing that I’m a new customer. Then I get through to someone on […]
By David Craig, on September 27th, 2016 Clinton versus Trump
As readers will know, my books and blog are largely aimed at supporting the revolt of ordinary people – the people Hillary Clinton calls ‘deplorables, racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, *sl*mophobic‘ etc etc – against the ever-increasing power of the greedy, lying, self-serving, hypocritical, holier-than-thou, treacherous globalist elites.
So, I’m afraid my life […]
By David Craig, on September 26th, 2016 (Snouts-in-the-trough – a daily blog that is heavily self-censored to avoid the writer being killed by those who get violent when they feel they are being offended. Welcome to the new ‘free speech is prohibited’ Britain)
So, multimillionaire Hillary ‘Goldman Sachs’ Clinton now brands all patriotic Americans, who want to defend their country and their […]
By David Craig, on September 24th, 2016 (Snouts-in-the-trough – a daily blog that is heavily self-censored to avoid the writer being killed by those who get violent when they feel they are being offended. Welcome to the new ‘free speech is prohibited’ Britain)
At 7 minutes this video is longer than I usually recommend. And the first 3 minutes are the best. […]
By David Craig, on September 23rd, 2016 There are a few deeply disturbing aspects of the video (link below) of some of Germany’s new arrivals enjoying a day at their local swimming pool:
Why are there so many men and so few females in the pool? (When I write ‘men’, I of course mean ‘inbred, violent, misogynist, backward, useless, illiterate, unemployable, sex-obsessed […]
By David Craig, on September 22nd, 2016 Over the last seven days, there have been religiously-inspired attacks in ‘only’ 9 countries with ‘only’ 72 dead and ‘only’ 124 injured.
There have probably also been hundreds or even thousands of rapes. But we’ll never know how many as the authorities don’t report these.
So, why do the waaccisssts claim there is a problem […]
By David Craig, on September 21st, 2016 We all like to have a good laugh. So, today’s LMFAO moment is supplied by that great American comedienne Hillary Rodham Clinton.
One of the criticisms often made of boot-faced, power-hungry, lying ‘Crooked Hillary’ is that she doesn’t have a sense of humour. But today I will prove that the lady is an absolute hoot, […]
By David Craig, on September 20th, 2016 In New York
After some idiot politician claimed the bombings had NTDWI, we find out that the likely perpetrator is the usual bearded, inbred, violent, intolerant, West-loathing moron.
What excuse will we be given this time? Mental problems? Marital problems? Financial problems? Who knows? But one thing is certain, lying piece of excrement Obama will […]