
Are we heading for disaster? Or, have we never had it so good?

In a blog like this, I’m bound to highlight eye-catching horror stories to show what’s happening in the world. But is everything really as gloomy as it sometimes seems from the headlines? There are some major threats to our well-being – these include:

1. Our national debt – at some point – maybe £1.4trn or […]

What can we scrap to pay for financially incontinent Osborne’s borrowing binge? Policing? Defence?

After yesterday’s brief visit to that earthly paradise – North Korea – I’m afraid it’s back to bankrupt Britain today.

When all the supposed “experts” are pontificating about chancellor Osborne’s economic policy (or lack of), they tend to lamely conclude that Osborne’s plan for reducing the deficit is having to be pushed back a few […]

To cheer us all up, here’s some light relief from the birthplace of comedy – North Korea

It’s clear North Koreans have plenty to eat:

That they work hard and party hard:

That many North Korean leaders are irresistibly attractive:

That their navy is truly formidable:

That their air force will crush the Yankee imperialist paper tigers:

That their army is ready and raring to go:


Our MPs’ smart “I’m a government minister” scam

Most people probably know that our MPs are pressuring the inappropriately-named Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) to recommend they get a pay rise from £65,738 to somewhere around £86,500. And most people probably know that almost all our MPs are fiddling their expenses (at the time of the expenses scandal over 95% of MPs voted […]

Could the G-SIFIs ruin us all?

You probably don’t know what a G-SIFI is. I first saw the acronym about a week ago. But unless our rulers are very careful indeed, soon journalists will be talking and writing about little else.

A G-SIFI is a “Globally active, Systemically Important, Financial Institution” – basically a big bank or insurance company. So, what’s […]

Is Ofgem really doing its job? Ask 30,000 dead old people

One of this week’s big stories is the £10.5m fine the normally supine Ofgem has imposed on energy company SSE for mis-selling. In fact SSE were defrauding customers which is a criminal offence. So are our police doing anything? Ha-ha-ha-ha. We’re as likely to see Sir David Nicholson prosecuted for the manslaughter of 1,200 people […]

The earth is cooling, we’re all going to die! Whoops! The earth is warming, we’re all going to die! Whoops! The earth is cooling, we’re all going to d…..

Perhaps nobody embodies the farce of supposed man-made global warming better than John P Holdren. “Who he?” you may ask. Yup, till yesterday, I’d never heard of him either. But he’s a pretty important person. As far as I can see, he’s still President Obama’s chief scientific adviser and he specialises in climate change – […]

Why should bankrupt Brits pay for Arab refugees, when rich Arabs don’t give a damn?

Here we go again. A bunch of Arabs get all hot and bothered and start smiting each other. This time it’s Syria. Something to do with the Sunnis hating the Shiites, and the Shiites hating the Alawites, and the Alawites hating the Sunnis, and the Sunnis hating the Alawites and the Alawites hating the Shiites, […]

Will the RBS (IMHO) “fraudsters” finally pay for their (IMHO) lies?

A group of shareholders are suing RBS directors (including Fred Goodwin and Sir Tom McKIllop) and the bank for compensation for money they lost when they invested in RBS’s £12bn rights issue in 2008. The investors claim that directors wrongfully told them the bank was financially sound. Just 6 months after the rights issue, RBS […]

Why do we give over £10bn each year to the most corrupt people in the world?

In the coming financial year which begins this Friday 5 April, our useless government will increase the budget of the Department for International Development (DfID) from £7.9bn to £10.5bn. This is a pretty impressive rise of £2.6bn (up 33%) at a time when 40,000 are being sacked from our armed forces and when police numbers […]