
October 2024

Ed ‘Baldrick’ Miliband’s cunning plan – to bankrupt Britain

Monday-Tuesday blog

In my weekend blog, I tried to show how Labour, BBC Verify, Sky News and most of the mainstream media were lying to us about the real cost of our electricity. I used this chart of the LCOE (Levelised Cost of Electricity) from a Government report to show where the eco-liars got […]

Ed Miliband to reduce energy bills by making energy more expensive

weekend blog

A few weeks ago, I used this chart of electricity costs by source of generation. The chart comes from a government report which Mad Monk MIliband, the BBC Verify and the eco-nutters use to claim that expensive, intermittent and unreliable supposedly ‘clean’ electricity is cheaper than cheap reliable fossil-fuel energy:

(apologies for […]

The deification of Cackling Kamala begins

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Now that the living corpse, Joseph ‘where-am-I?’ Biden has been booted out, it looks like his DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equality) hire, Kamala ‘I’m-a-black-woman’ Harris will be the desperate Democrats’ candidate against Trump.

Judging by the last 3+ years of Kamala as Vice President, you might have got the impression that Kamala […]

My article on ‘The Daily Sceptic’ today

Monday blog

I have a short article on the excellent Daily Sceptic website today:

The “Hottest June on Record”

Jobs wipe-out – don’t mention UK energy costs

weekend blog

There was a long (about 30 minutes) piece on the BBC this morning about the disastrous 2,800+ job losses coming at the Port Talbot steel works as the plant closes down its blast furnaces and replaces them with supposedly more environmentally-friendly electric arc steel-making. Here’s a picture of a blast furnace:

As […]

Do any politicians realise that plane engines are hot?

Friday/weekend blog

Here’s a picture of Heathrow airport showing the two runways and the location of the weather station the Met Office, our politicians and the bought prostitutes in the mainstream media use to convince us that we’re all heading for a global boiling catastrophe unless we all stop driving, stop heating our homes, […]

The supremely stupid court will take us back to the Stone Age

Friday-weekend blog

More ‘record heat’ lies

I have an article on The Daily Sceptic today about how the Met Office and BBC fool us with their ‘hottest ever’ lies.

In my article, I predict that, as June in the UK has been miserable weatherwise, the Met Office and BBC will find somewhere with […]

How the lying liars at the lying Met Office lie to us

Friday-weekend blog

As we all shiver in the autumnal weather during what is meant to be summer and some of us have even turned our central heating back on, there is one certainty – in a few weeks time, the liars at the lying Met Office will tell us that we’ve just had the […]

Article on ‘The Conservative Woman’ today

Monday blog

I have an article about our beloved national broadcaster – the BBC – on The Conservative Woman today (link below).

As usual, the best bit is the reader comments.

Licence fee up – yet still BBC brandishes the begging bowl […]

Here’s some real genocide. How about protesting about this?

Friday blog

Here’s a rather unpleasant photo from Sudan where Arab/Muslim militias are slaughtering every black African they can find:

I believe over 220 black Africans were slaughtered by the Muslim Arabs in just one incident.

I wonder if the BBC or any UK Hamas-adoring mainstream media will think this genocide worth mentioning? I […]