
September 2024

Let’s imagine Britain after over a million Romanians and Bulgarians move here

Today I’d like to show some pictures of what Britain will look like once hundreds of thousands (probably over a million) impoverished Romanians and Bulgarians move here.

Many will work hard:

So will their children:

Our town centres will be busy:

Very busy:

Our benefits system will shower money on the new arrivals:

They will use the money “earned” in Britain to build tasteful homes in their villages:

Oh, and here’s a photo of a policeman and a clown. Though, given how ineffective our politically-correct police are going to be protecting us from the coming crime tsunami, I’m not sure which is the policeman and which is the clown:

7 comments to Let’s imagine Britain after over a million Romanians and Bulgarians move here

  • Paris Claims

    But shares in companies that supply man-hole covers.

  • Dacia Felix

    I hope that all million or so Romanian nationals like those in the pictures would move permanently to UK. Because those people are exclusively gypsies and hopefully all of them would leave Romania, leaving us, ethnic Romanians (85% of Romania’s population) free of them and the troubles their bring.
    Seeing their back is worth the humiliations we all, ethnic Romanians, are suffering in UK because of the gypsies. Take them and rejoice for the cultural enrichment they will bring. Oh, I will move back to Romania…

  • Dacia

    hope that all million or so Romanian nationals like those in the pictures would move permanently to UK. Because those people are exclusively gypsies and hopefully all of them would leave Romania, leaving us, ethnic Romanians (85% of Romania’s population) free of them and the troubles their bring.
    Seeing their back is worth the humiliations we all, ethnic Romanians, are suffering in UK because of the gypsies. Take them and rejoice for the cultural enrichment they will bring. Oh, I will move back to Romania…

  • Note how they politicians keep avoiding giving any figure for the number who will come saying that they do not think it would be helpful and other evasions. People should ring up live radio interviews use decoy question to avoid being pre-screened and filtered out and ask ” do you think one million is an under- estimate.

    Has anyone done a costing on the cost of these people coming to the UK. As in social housing , what they might contribute or take, that more people coming adds to our food and energy imports.

    ok can i plug say google up my davidsfirst blogspot
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  • Arnold Lane


    When the BBC publish pictures / film of Romanians they show tinkers / gypsies with horses and carts and my friend Lily goes bonkers.

    Being a middle class Romanian with a second home in the Mountains.

    She starts to believe that the media is state controlled like in the old days in her country.

    I tell her it is.

  • bill torbitt

    If all this is true Romania itself will nearly be empty so I can move there. Beautiful country.

  • bill torbitt

    And aren’t you confusing Romas (gypsies) with Romanians?

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