Monday-Tuesday blog
I’ve had quite a few articles published on two websites – THE DAILY SCEPTIC and THE CONSERVATIVE WOMAN. Recently, I sent them the article below -“Is an English Civil War Inevitable?” This was rejected by both websites. I can think of three possible reasons why it was rejected:
- The article is a badly-written load of tosh
- The article is so far from being realistic that nobody would publish it
- The article is so close to what will probably happen that nobody would publish it
I’ll leave it up to you to decide which of these three reasons is the most likely.
Is an English civil war inevitable?
By David Craig
Two of the best-known dystopian novels are probably George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’. But there is one other possibly important dystopian novel which may have slipped below many people’s radar. This is the 1972 novel ‘Fugue for a Darkening Island’ by Christopher Priest:

Amazon tells us:
As Europe looks for ways to deal with the humanitarian crisis of Syria’s misplaced population and the influx of refugees crossing the Mediterranean Christopher Priest’s second novel has a new, timely, edge.
Survivors of a terrible African war flee their blighted continent, and look for refuge in the countries of the West. But Britain is falling into civil war and anarchy.
The book describes one family’s fight for survival as civil war breaks out in Britain between the native, white population and the “Afrims” (African migrants).
Looking at the UK population today, we can see that White British are already a minority in London:
- Black and Minority Ethnic: 46% of Londoners identify as Black and Minority Ethnic
- White British: 43.4% of Londoners identify as White British
- Other White: 14.6% of Londoners identify as Other White
- Black African: 7.9% of Londoners identify as Black African
- Indian: 7.0% of Londoners identify as Indian
White British are also a minority in Birmingham:
- In 2021, 51.4% of Birmingham’s population identified as BAME, while 48.6% identified as White
- The largest group outside of White British was Pakistani
- Black African and Indian were the next largest groups
- 3% of Birmingham’s population are Sikh
White British are also a minority in Leicester:
- Asian: 43.4% of Leicester residents identify as Asian, Asian British, or Asian Welsh
- Black: 7.8% of Leicester residents identify as Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean, or African
- Mixed: 3.8% of Leicester residents identify as mixed or of multiple ethnic groups
- White: 40.9% of Leicester residents identify as white
- Other: 4.1% of Leicester residents identify as “other
I could go on, but you probably get the picture by now.
We’re told that according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), net migration to Britain in the year ending June 2024 was 728,00 and that this represents a significant drop from the record high of 906,000 recorded in the year ending June 2023. But we have to be careful with these figures as they don’t really give a full view of the number of people moving to Britain. Almost all those migrating to Britain – over one million a year – will be non-white, while a significant proportion (I can’t find the figures) of those emigrating will be white. This means that the non-white population may actually be increasing by over one million a year and not the latest ‘net migration’ level of 728,000. Some forecasts suggest that White British will be a minority in their own country by 2070.1Others put this date in the 2060s while the Guardian, a strong supporter of open-borders immigration, suggests white British will be a minority by 2100.2 Perhaps my memory is failing me, but I don’t recall any of the main political parties stating in their election manifestos that they would enact policies to ensure that White British would become a minority in their own country possibly well before the end of this century.
Whichever date you agree with, or whether you even agree that White British could become a minority in their own country, it’s clear that Britain is undergoing a massive demographic change. This seems to me to raise two rather important questions. Though I suspect that these two questions are ones that the ruling political, academic, media, bureaucratic and business elites would rather we plebs didn’t think about because there seems to be only one answer to these questions. The questions are:
- when will the ethnic minorities feel that the country belongs to them rather than to the shrinking white minority population and thus the more radical elements in the non-white population will feel emboldened to seize political and military power from the White British population?
- how long will White British tolerate losing control of their country and being treated as second-class citizens in their own country?
As we saw in Northern Ireland and many other countries around the world, the move towards civil war can start with a series of terrorist attacks by a minority community which feels it doesn’t have the same rights as the majority. These provoke a violent response from the communities being attacked and then the situation can risk escalating into full-scale conflict.
If we look at the first question and try to understand which group is most likely to instigate the violence, I won’t give an opinion as this might lead to me being accused of all kinds of made-up crimes involving words ending in ‘phobia’. Instead I will quote from a Government statement in Hansard on 19 July 2023 (at 12.37 pm if you want me to be even more precise).3 The Government stated:
“By far the biggest terrorist threat comes from Islamist terrorism. It accounts for 67% of attacks since 2018, and about three quarters of MI5’s caseload. The remainder of the UK terrorist threat is largely driven by extreme right-wing terrorism, which accounts for approximately 22% of attacks since 2018 and about a quarter of the MI5 caseload.”
Though, apart from the June 2016 murder of Labour MP Jo Cox, I can’t recall any other incidents which could be attributed to ‘extreme right-wing’ terrorism’. So I’m not quite sure where the Government gets its figures that 22% of terrorist acts since 2018 have been due to ‘extreme right-wing’ terrorism’. Moreover, that leaves 11% of terrorist attacks apparently committed by people who are neither Islamists nor extreme right-wing. Heaven knows who they are. Buddhists? Scientologists? Tibetan monks? Trekkies?
In answer to the second question, we have already seen increasing discontent among parts of the white British population at what is happening to our country especially the apparent favouring of ethnic minorities (possibly eventually to become majorities). The seeming elevation of the welfare of migrants over that of White British with illegal migrants being given priority with accommodation, healthcare, living expenses, new mobile phones, free clothing and much more at the expense of increasingly taxed taxpaying British has been one of the most evident signs of White British losing control over their lives. This has also been evident in our two-tier policing which has now been seemingly enshrined into law by new Sentencing Council guidelines. Although our rulers deny this, these new sentencing guidelines appear to make it more likely that White British will get custodial sentences than those from ethnic backgrounds for similar crimes.
The demographic takeover of Britain by non-whites and the increasing marginalisation of White British cannot end in a happy, harmonious society. The violence is likely to kick off first in England whose cities have a greater percentage of non-whites than Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. White British, for example, make up 82% of Edinburgh’s population, 81% in Glasgow, 79% in Cardiff and 93% in Belfast.
The good news is that a new English civil war will probably not happen in our lifetimes. So Sunday Telegraph readers have no fear of the value of their properties being negatively impacted. But it’s possible that our children could see the first outbreaks of widespread inter-communal violence and maybe even likely that our grandchildren will experience this.
When the inter-communal violence starts, one possibly interesting issue is: which side will the police take? It’s clear that senior police management currently believe that their job is to protect non-whites while brutally cracking down on any White British protesting about the loss of their country. But will the rank and file police continue to obey their bosses or will they bow to family and community pressure and switch their loyalties to the increasingly persecuted white population? Moreover, if the police start to split along racial lines and the military is called in, will ordinary soldiers in the army, which is more than 80% White British, really shoot and bomb White British citizens in order to hand the country over to those who have arrived in the last few decades?
I wonder how many people are thinking about this?
Anyway, don’t say you weren’t warned.
Spot on David.
I am troubled with this every day and am convinced that the event is inevitable unless there’s a reversal of policy.
Who would want to bring kids into this environment?
I live in a city on the south coast and I cannot see any sign of migrants becoming a majority. They are not even noticeable. We have various protest marches but there is no sign of any unrest. If there is a problem it is in some of the bigger cities.
I stopped reading newspapers years ago and I am watching less TV. All I see on TV are two groups of people shouting over each other to make their point and nothing gets resolved whatever the subject might be. We see exactly the same in the Commons. I think this is deliberate. The politicians want to create division to increase the size of the state and to have control over us. The media produced propaganda is the best means they have to do this.
I don’t believe that we have a migrant or population problem, we have a welfare state problem, created by a succession of socialists governments over more than 100 years. Socialists need taxes and welfare to create state dependency. Godfrey Bloom has a video called “Bugger off government” and bluntly, that is our problem. The first step to dealing with it is to ban political parties, have independent MPs and fewer of them. It will never happen.
I saw an article recently that said racism was not the issue. The author used the term “caste” to show how the government has created division but not on the lines that people think.
The people arguing about welfare do not want to limit the welfare state because most of the country now depend on it. They are complaining about the inequalities within the welfare system with migrants receiving benefits but have contributed nothing
A civil war needs well organised groups and the government must be one of them, which means they should have the police and the army on their side. As you point out it would all depend on what they do. I cannot see that we are even close to a civil war. There could be civil disobedience and I suspect that the declining state of the economy will be the cause as employment increases and the money runs out.
There are at least two other possible reasons for not publishing your article. One – even outspoken blogs such as CW and DS are frightened of Ofcom who may decide the article was ‘inciting hatred’ and/or civil disorder. Two – they may not wish to cause fear and alarm among the general population. I agree that some areas of Britain are in dire straits – but suspect that not much will happen until the beer runs out, the football is cancelled and the shops shut because of shortage of food and out of control shoplifting.