Tuesday-Wednesday blog
I attach at the end of this blog a short video from Fox News about the deportation of South American gang members from the US to a prison in El Salvador.
For me this video makes a few important points:
Point 1: Trump has learnt how to be president
Trump’s first term as president was not a great success.
- He surrounded himself with many of the wrong people who didn’t support his agenda. Since he fired them, some of these embittered creatures have been his harshest critics
- He didn’t understand that getting things done in government was much more complex than in business
- He was constantly harassed by bogus Democratic impeachment attempts questioning his legitimacy
But Trump has learnt and this time has achieved more in a couple of months than most US presidents have achieved in their four years. These include:
- He has signed more than 70 executive orders
- He has repealed all the green environmental nonsense
- He has started the process towards peace in Ukraine
- He has faced down several countries which have opposed US policies
- Already over 30,000 criminal illegal migrants have been arrested and deported
Point 2: Activist judges are finding out they no longer run America
America has over 1.3 million lawyers and of these around 1,770 are judges. In the US as in Britain, power has increasingly been taken away from politicians and passed to judges. Moreover, many of these judges have been carried away by their new power and have become activist and worked against the interests of the American and British voters. We saw this when our judges repeatedly tried to block Brexit, this prevents almost any construction in the UK as judges can use Net Zero legal obligations to sabotage any oil exploration, new roads or runways, new factories or whatever. And we see this almost daily in utterly absurd judgements being made by immigration tribunals when allowing rapists, paedophiles and other criminals to remain in Britain.
In the attached video, some activist Democrat judge somewhere in the US tried to block Trump’s deportation of criminal gang members. Whereas the British government would have immediately caved in and given up the deportations as they did with the first Rwanda flight, Trump’s team told the judge to get stuffed and is continuing with the deportations with planes leaving the US every day
Point 3: Watch and weep for Britain
As you watch the US taking action to protect its cirizens from dangerous foreign criminals, weep for our country which encourages the world’s garbage to move to Britain:
Tom Homan is excellent and a breath of fresh air. We all know these partial judges are politicians applying far left interpretations of loosely worded legislation to push wef communism. Given we have a PM who is a signed up globalist and puts international “law” above UK law there is no hope of a Tom Homan being appointed here. But its impossible for law to be prescriptive for every situation and so unless parliament can over rule like Trump has done then nothing can happen. I think Rupert Lowe was pushing a great repeal of all the Blair inspired stuff for example:
Human Rights Act (1998)
Equality Act (2010).
Constitutional Reform Act (2005)
Constitutional Reform and Governance Act (2010)
Gender Recognition Act (2008)
Climate Change Act (2008)
Thomas Sowell always says that we should judge politicians on outcomes and not intentions.
My understanding it that the deportations discussed in the video are all Venezuelans who are being deported to El Salvador. Why would they agree to this if they are not being paid? I’ve seen reports saying the deportations are costing too much and the money is running out. They may be released in a year so where will they go then?
I don’t think Trump has overruled anybody, the video says he has used an act from WWII to carry out the deportations.
I’m sure if our government stopped the welfare benefits, hotel rooms and legal aid we’d see the numbers drop off drastically. The boat people think our streets are paved with gold … and they’re not wrong.