weekend blog
I have an article on THE DAILY SCEPTIC today in which I question Rachel Reeves’s dodgy-dossier CV. The link is below.
THE DAILY SCEPTIC have also linked my article to a Prince-Andrew-style car-crash interview Reeves did on Good Morning Britain. Looking at Reeves’s eyes and face during her Good Morning Britain interview you can see her absolute terror that she is being exposed as an empty shell who is totally clueless about her job.
I am reading a book by Kristian Niemietz, Socialism, The Failed Idea that Never Dies, which is available free on the IEA website. The author makes an interesting comment that applies to the qualifications of the entire government: “Socialism’s relative failure, and capitalism’s relative success, had much more to do with capitalism’s capacity to
generate economically relevant knowledge.” I think this idea originate with Ludwig von Mises and the Austrian School of Economics. Essentially none of the government has any economic knowledge because they don’t need it to apply socialist ideology.