Wednesday-Thursday blog
“Not a penny more on council tax – a real tax cut for 99% of working people”
Let’s start today’s blog with a reminder of yet another of (IMHO) lying PoS Starmer’s pre-election promises – the promise that we would not pay a penny more in council tax under Labour:
Well as millions, particularly those in Labour-run councils, brace themselves for council tax rises of anywhere between 10% and 25%, it seems that either Starmer has a very short memory or that he’s probably the worst liar ever to enter Downing Street
The ‘Reeves Recession’ – will we be lied to on this too?
Forrowing the disastrous ‘Reeves Recession’ budget, the ludicrously-msnamed Office for Budget Responsibility continued to predict economic growth. This is beneath laughable. Anybody capable of even a modicum of rational thought knows that if you pulverise companies with �40bn+ of tax rises while crushing them with the world’s highest energy prices then the economy is going into freefall.
If you also squander the expected tax revenues (before you get them) on massive pay increases for our lazy, arrogant, incompetent, skive-from-home, overpensioned public sector. environmental crap, �15bn+ in foreign aid to the world’s most corrupt, basket-case countries and billions more attracting the worst Third-world subhuman garbage into our country then you’re really in trouble, then you’re in a recessionary doom loop.
Increased taxation leads to economic contraction leads to lower than expected tax revenues leads to higher borrowing to fund previously-made commitments leads to higher borrowing costs leads to further tax increases lead to more economic contraction leads to lower than expected tax collection leads to higher borrowing to fund previously-made commitments leads to higher borrowing costs leads to further tax increases lead to more economic contraction leads to lower than expected tax collection ………………….
It’s amazing that we all understand this, but that our ‘economist’ chancellor had no clue this might happen.
But let’s get on to the point of today’s blog. I know we’re in a ‘Reeves Recession’, you know we’re in a ‘Reeves Recession’, even Reeves’s number two at the Treasury, the human zit, may realise we’re in a ‘Reeves Recession’. But will the government admit this? Or will pressure be put on the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to somehow fudge the figures to disguise the extent of the ‘Rachel Reeves Recession’?
The only thing this government seems good at is lying. I have a feeling that we’ll be lied to about the ‘Reeeves Recession’ as pressure is put on the ONS to gaslight us – to cook up some figures to let Reeves claim the economy is growing when it is actually contracting in a recession made in Downing Street.
It seems to be standard for the regime to trumpet their greatness whilst presiding over a collapsing economy caused by their policies whilst relying on ever increasing debt to survive. See europe and USA as good examples of economic basket cases with spiraling debt loads. The citizens of US and Europe have tried their best to remove the regime but sadly they are still in full control of the UK.
Reeves is basically pinning all hopes on interest rate cuts and lower pound. Together with relaxation of lending conditions to drive greater borrowing capacity. The Bank of England will make lots of noise about being independent and controlling inflation but will deliver for Reeves.
Starmer�s lips were moving and you know what that means. I gather Reeves was in Davos to get her instructions. Our only hope is that Trump might scatter a bit of gold dust on us from his new Golden Age.
I don’t konw if I’m the only one to have to use a VPN to access SITT for this article (ongoing on 31st), so I would guess that you have upset one or more of the gov’t spooks that monitor/censor the UK internet. Well done and Keep it up!