
December 2024

Britain to snub the world’s winners and join the world’s losers?

Wednesday-Thursday blog

As our great leader Keir ‘let’s-cancel-local-elections’ Starmer bravely fights on with his project to alienate the United States while seeking ever closer ties with the EU and China, I thought I’d just show two simple charts.

The first shows the evolution of GDP in the US compared to the main European economies and a few other key countries over the last 18 years:

I think it’s fairly obvious which countries are moving towards a more prosperous future and which are stagnating.

When we look at GDP per capita over the same period, the situation is not so bad for the main European economies. But the US is still the world’s star performer and is likely to achieve even better results under President Trump with his focus on low energy costs for households and businesses and bringing jobs back to the US:

However, China comes off rather badly on the GDP per capita measure and therefore may not be such an attractive future business partner as Komissar Keir imagines.

But being a globalist socialist, Starmer is determined to shackle Britain to the underperforming EU countries and the low-GDP-per-Capita China while doing everything in his power to insult and alienate the successful US

The damage the (IMHO) useless, lying, incompetent, UK-hating Starmer and his bunch of fools and knaves are doing to Britain may be irreversible. Only a financial crisis brought about by a refusal of the bond markets to lend money to the profligate, public-sector-adoring, private-sector-loathing British government can save us.

Meanwhile, as Britain sinks into recession, we can only look on enviously as Trump’s US goes from strength to strength. Recession, impoverishment, energy shortages, immiseration – that’s Starmer’s Labour’s Christmas present to Britain.

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