
September 2024

Labour’s 4 Horsemen (horsepeople?) of the Apocalypse

weekend blog

How to recognise Starmer’s communist oppression

At a time when the Starmer government starts releasing convicted criminals in order to make room in our prisons for people who dare disagree with Starmer’s and Cooper’s open-borders, bring-in-the-third-world free-for all, I am reminded of a quote by Russian dissident and author Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

“A Communist system can be recognised by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalises the political opponent” Alexander Solzhenitsyn

I hardly need to add to that.

Labour’s 4 Horsemen (Horsepeople?) of the Apocalypse

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a metaphor depicting the end of times in the New Testament. They describe conquest, war, hunger, and death:

Gruppenfuhrer Starmer talks about economic growth. But his new Four Horsemen (Horsepeople?) of the Labour Apocalypse are actually bringing poverty, misery, unemployment and national bankruptcy while crushing our freedoms and terrifying us into docile obedience with threats of prosecution and imprisonment for any criticism of the coming Starmageddon.

Instead of the original Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – conquest, war, hunger, and death – now we have Miliband, Rayner, Reeves and Starmer:

  • Ed MIliband’s unhinged Net Zero lunacy is wrecking our North Sea oil and gas energy industry and replacing cheap reliable fossil fuel energy with expensive, intermittent and unreliable wind and solar. Miliband is accelerating the eco-stupidity started by his ludicrous 2008 Climate Change Act and then continued by the fake useless Tories. This has already massively increasing energy prices giving us some of the most expensive energy in the world. The result is the decimation of British manufacturing industry, the bankruptcy of many British companies destroying hundreds of thousands of jobs and poorer people being forced to have to choose between heating and eating
  • Angela Rayner new workers’ rights will give employees the right to demand a 4-day week for a 5-day salary, to demand working from home and the right to refuse any employers’ requests they find ‘stressful’. This will dissuade companies from employing more people and dissuade them from investing in Britain when their investment will be much more welcome in increasingly wealthy countries like Poland and Hungary
  • Rachel Reeves’s tax assault on anyone daring to create wealth will drive entrepreneurs out of the country leading us to economic decline and increasing impoverishment
  • Keir Starmer‘s open-borders, import-the-uneducated-and-unemployable Third-World policies will wreck our communities, increase inter-community tensions, bankrupt the welfare state and destroy our country.

Crushing any criticism of Starmergeddon

We truly are living in momentous times when our government is intent on wrecking our country and immiserating us all. But perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the coming Starmergeddon is the way the government is using our worthless plods to stamp on anyone daring to criticise government policies. We’ve all seen Two-Tier Keir’s two-tier justice system in which the anti-immigration protestors were arrested, prosecuted and jailed within just a couple of days while our normally incompetent police manage to solve fewer than 1% of burglaries and only 1% to 2% of rapes.

But here’s yet another example of Two-Tier Keir’s corruption of our justice system which you won’t see reported by the BBC or any other mainstream national media. You’ll all remember the incident at Manchester Airport when two multi-cultural enrichers just arrived from Pakistan attacked police officers breaking the nose of one female officer. Well, rather than trying to prosecute the two enrichers, “a criminal investigation has been launched into who gave Manchester Airport CCTV footage to the Manchester Evening News following the police ‘stamp’ incident.”

This ‘shoot-the-messenger’ policy seems to be just another example of how Starmer intends to browbeat us into craven submission whereby nobody will dare criticise any aspect of his government’s demolition of our once great country.

And in case you don’t believe me about the police choosing to prosecute the person who filmed the enrichers attacking the police rather than prosecuting the enrichers who attacked the police, here’s a link to the Manchester Evening News article.:

To their credit, the Manchester Evening News has refused the police’s demand for the name of the person who filmed the Manchester Airport attack. At the moment our laws permit media to refuse police requests to name their sources. No doubt Two-Tier Keir will soon have that law changed!

Price drop on my book

By the way, I have just noticed that Amazon have reduced the price of my latest book – THERE IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS – from £8.49 to £7.33. I don’t know when this happened or how long it will last, but I thought it worth mentioning.

3 comments to Labour’s 4 Horsemen (horsepeople?) of the Apocalypse

  • Carolyn

    You really couldn’t make it up. It’s all so obviously wrong and yet Starmer just trudges on compounding the error every week. Your 4 horsemen comparison is depressingly apt – we are governed by deluded intellectual pygmies riding their little wooden hobby horses round the cabinet table.

    As for the Manchester airport video, it seems to me everyone films everything these days AFAIK it is not illegal to do so, so why do the police care where the video came from? Surely it’s completely beside the point? Allegedly “ We are in the early stages of an independent investigation, which will consider whether there is any evidence to suggest this was provided by someone working for GMP and, if so, the justification for this”. Isn’t it obvious? Someone wants to exonerate their colleagues – the story prior to that had been very one-sided. And yet now we have the Police out of their prams because someone has provided evidence that their behaviour might be justified. How does that make any sense?

    I despair!

  • A Thorpe

    We can expect Judgement Day to be in October when Reeves reveals her budget.

  • Mike

    It’s called the ‘ Cloward – Piven Strategy’ – a method of continually stretching public finances to breaking point, taught to such numbskulls as the “young leaders of WEF” – hence all western countries are being flooded with unemployable violent natured illegals, mostly of offensive culture, who refuse to integrate to western societies, contribute nothing to their economies, but drain their coffers mercilessly!
    Stonker-stormer is of course part of this plan, and has had his orders from das fuhrer Schwab – as did Sunakkers before him.
    The only way to stop this farce is for all WEF members & associates to be arrested and imprisoned. Permanently.

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