
September 2024

How we are being gaslighted (gaslit?)

Thursday-Friday blog

First the Grenfell report

I obviously haven’t read the inquiry report released yesterday, a full seven years after the fire. But from the press reports I’ve seen, it doesn’t appear to be the usual establishment cover-up ending with the usual “important lessons have been learnt“. Apparently, the inquiry report actually exposes the guilty. Nevertheless, it seems that our wonderful plods, who can prosecute and imprison within a couple of days anyone who dares criticise Two-Tier Keir’s open-borders illegal migration free-for-all, will need another two to three years before they can even think about possibly beggining to prosecute anyone involved in the Grenfell disaster despite having a 1,700-page report to help them.

Moreover, as I explained in my blog written in 2017 and repeated on Wednesday this week, after the fire Labour tried to pin the disaster on evil Tory austerity imposed by Cameron and Osborne. After the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, Labour (as usual eagerly supported by the libtards at the BBC and Channel 4 News) were quick to build a narrative that went something like this – in London’s richest borough (Kensington and Chelsea) a Tory council, that didn’t care about housing for the poor, and Tory austerity cuts were responsible for the Grenfell deaths or “Grenfell murders” as Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell so elegantly put it during his Glastonbury speech to the politically-correct idiots at the music festival.

But, in fact, the tower was run by the Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation (KCTMO) an organisation set up under Labour government legislation, majority controlled by elected tenants and which had (if I remember correctly) the person who would go on to become the Labour MP as one of the 3 appointed Councillor members (from 2008 to 2012). The refurbishment, including installation of the rather inflammable cladding and decision not to spend £135,000 to instal sprinklers, which took place in (I think) 2014-2016, would therefore probably have been planned and negotiated while this Labour councillor and later MP was on the KCTMO.

Gaslighting us again and again and again

We all know now that we were lied to about:

  • the utter nonsense of human-produced CO2 causing climate change
  • the need for the economically-suicidal Net Zero
  • the origin and actual effects of the US funded, Chinese lab-leaked pandemic
  • the dubious safety and effectiveness of the ‘miracle vaccines’
  • the very limited group of people who got any benefits from the fake vaccines
  • the reasons for increased death rates in the most highly-vaccinated countries
  • how our rulers provoked the Ukraine invasion by ignoring Putin’s threat that he would not accept Ukraine joining NATO
  • and much much more

The latest mainstream media gaslighting campaign to fool us seems to be the rush by the media to deify the (IMHO) useless and incomprehsible word salad machine – aka Kamala Harris.

Here’s just one blatant example from a US news platform called ‘Axios’

Axios informs us on its website that: “We launched Axios in January 2017 based on this shared belief: The world needed smarter, more efficient coverage of the topics shaping the fast-changing world. We pledged to put our audience first, always.”

“We met our promise and offered an antidote to this madness. Now, we are focusing our minds and manpower on a much bigger problem faced by all consumers: the erosion of truth, trust, safety and sanity in news. This is an existential threat to our democracy. It will require extraordinary effort by us and others to correct.”

“We will go the extra mile to earn your trust. All employees are asked to refrain from taking/advocating for public positions on political topics.”

Axios, like most of the mainstream media, previously reported on April 14 & March 24, 2021 that Kamala Harris was appointed as Border Czar:

You might remember an excruciating interview from 2021 in which the great Kamala was asked if she had visited the border for which she was now responsible. Harris’s reply was “I haven’t been to Europe” an answer comprehensible to only one person on this planet – Kamala Harris herself.

Now that Kamala Harris is the Democratic candidate for president, the mainstream media is quickly rewriting history. For example, now the very same Axios (like the rest of the mainstream Trump-hating media) claims that Kamala Harris was never appointed as Border Czar and it’s only the evil Trump and Republicans who are claiming that Harris was the Border Czar:

Will voters really fall for this cr*p yet again and again and again?

Cackling Kamala – our next world leader?

And here, to cheer us up, is Tucker Carlson talking to a Kamala Harris impersonator:

2 comments to How we are being gaslighted (gaslit?)

  • tomsk

    I really despair at the stupidity of the human race in so called educated western nations.

  • A Thorpe

    What has happened to personal responsibility for our own safety? If we stay in a hotel there will be fire safety notices but how many will read them and check the route out? There seems to be little concern about how the fire started.

    It not that we are lied to, it is that too many people will prefer to believe the lies than look for the truth. State brainwashing to make people believe that only the state can protect them from almost everything is working well.

    Last night GBNews treated us to another climate brainwashing. This happens because the presenters don’t have a clue about science. They can see the consequences of net zero and the covid lockdowns but they failed to see in both cases how science was corrupted to comply with political beliefs. The politicians have scientists falling over themselves to provide the basis for ridiculous policies.

    Tony Blair was interviewed by Amol Rajan and we were treated to more word salad. At the end he said technology was the answer to a better future but he failed to say what the technology was and what it would be used for. Only the cackle was missing.

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