
September 2024

Ed ‘Baldrick’ Miliband’s cunning plan – to bankrupt Britain

Monday-Tuesday blog

In my weekend blog, I tried to show how Labour, BBC Verify, Sky News and most of the mainstream media were lying to us about the real cost of our electricity. I used this chart of the LCOE (Levelised Cost of Electricity) from a Government report to show where the eco-liars got their figures to claim that renewables like wind and solar were cheaper than gas:

I then used this table of prices the Government expected to actually pay. This showed to that renewables wrre actually much more expensive than the eco-liars claimed:

From what little I understand, few if any suppliers were prepared to provide electricity at these prices. So, the Government has now published increased prices to tempt suppliers into investing in the great green energy transition:

PLease note how much higher these prices are than the LCOE prices on my first chart:

  • Offshore wind has risen from £44 mWh to £102 mWh – more than doubling
  • Onshore wind has shot up from a LCOE of £44 mWh to £89 mWh – also more than doubling
  • Large-scale solar has risen from £41 mWh to £85 mWh – also more than doubling

But I suspect even these increased prices won’t be sufficient to satisfy energy companies.

That’s where Ed ‘Baldrick’ Miliband’s cunning plan comes in. Borrowing billions in our name to shove into the ludicrously-misnamed Great British Energy (GBE), Baldrick (sorry, I meant ‘Miliband’) will hand these billions to energy companies. Miliband will claim that GBE is ‘investing’ our money in joint ventures with the private sector into ‘the energy of the future’ and that this will lead to wondrous profits for British taxpayers. In fact, all he’ll be doing is trying to hide the real, economically-suicidal cost of useless, intermittent, unreliable supposed ‘renewables’.

3 comments to Ed ‘Baldrick’ Miliband’s cunning plan – to bankrupt Britain

  • david brown

    People will assume that Milliband is simply mistaken about
    green energy. So it makes sense for him to close down oil and gas extraction from the north sea.
    Why not consider he is motivated by a desire to do evil towards our country. Net zero think of Pol Pot and his plan
    to transform Cambodia- .

  • A Thorpe

    Perhaps the most important issue here is that there is no free market in energy to give us the choice of what we want to pay for. Conclusion: politicians should never been in charge of anything except their bowel movements.

  • Carolyn

    I want someone to explain to me how the electricity coming into my my house is from 100% renewable sources! They all claim to be providing it but as far as I understand it all electricity produced from whatever source is fed into the grid from whence it finds its way to my sockets – at what point are the electrons filtered according to their source?

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