
September 2024

The deification of Cackling Kamala begins

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Now that the living corpse, Joseph ‘where-am-I?’ Biden has been booted out, it looks like his DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equality) hire, Kamala ‘I’m-a-black-woman’ Harris will be the desperate Democrats’ candidate against Trump.

Judging by the last 3+ years of Kamala as Vice President, you might have got the impression that Kamala ‘I’m-a-black-woman’ Harris’ was a nonentity prone to spouting word salads of nonsense and cackling uncontrollably for reasons that might not have been obvious to most people. Moreover, she only had one responsibility during her whole time as VP – protecting the US’s Southern border – and that didn’t go too well with over 5 million illegal migrants crossing into the US between 2021 and 2024:

However, now that she’s the likely Democrat candidate, we can expect the Trump-hating mainstream media – that’s the media which up till 12 days ago assured us that the living corpse, Joe ‘where-am-I?’ Biden, was as sharp as a razor – to begin the deification of Kamala ‘I’m-a-black-woman’ Harris. We’ll hear all about her family’s immigrant background, how her rise to power epitomises the American dream and how she’s really a towering political colossus who will wipe the floor with Trump and the Republicans.

So, as the mainstream media bigs up the useless Kamala ‘I’m-a-black-woman’ Harris, here’s the brilliant Lionel Shriver warning us what the mainstream media will be trying to sell us:[0]=18743&tl_period_type=3&utm_source=UnHerd+Today&utm_campaign=8780472caf-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_07_22_10_06&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_79fd0df946-8780472caf-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

2 comments to The deification of Cackling Kamala begins

  • A Thorpe

    I unfortunately was watching GB News when they broadcast her speech. She said nothing except to flatter the audience, thank everyone she has ever known and her one policy was to get Trump jailed for his abuse of women.

    Have we ever had such uninspiring politicians in the west than now? But who is behind the curtain controlling them and the voters don’t even know about the curtain.

  • Carolyn

    I had to change channels to get away from that awful voice and garbage that she was talking. It was like one of those endless Oscar winning speeches where the recipient feels it necessary to name every person they have ever met – seriously who gives a tuppeny damn?? She is ghastly, no wonder her ratings have been so low.

    Totally agree about the quality of our western politicians. No wonder Putin and Hamas were emboldened to make their moves. The only surprise is that China hasn’t taken the chance to invade Taiwan.

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