
July 2024

Do any politicians realise that plane engines are hot?

Friday/weekend blog

Here’s a picture of Heathrow airport showing the two runways and the location of the weather station the Met Office, our politicians and the bought prostitutes in the mainstream media use to convince us that we’re all heading for a global boiling catastrophe unless we all stop driving, stop heating our homes, stop eating meat, stop taking holidays, stop everything:

Here’s the level of traffic increase at Heathrow Airport over the last 35 years:

You’ll see that plane movements (the lower line on the chart) have only increased slightly. This is probably because Heathrow only has two runways and is restricted in its hours of operation. However there has been a massive increase in the number of passengers and the amount of freight (the upper two lines). This suggests that there are many more larger planes using the airport. And larger planes means more heat is generated. You or I might have thought that all this additional heat would have an effect on the Met Office’s weather station situated just beside the Northern runway. However, the ever-inventive BBC managed to find a professor who claimed “Planes make a negligible difference”. I humbly suggest that this professor and the BBC reporter stand behind a plane engine when the plane is about to take off and then tell us no heat is generated. In fact, the BBC even went on to claim: “Heathrow – with its large black asphalt runways and airport buildings – naturally absorbs more heat.”

Sorry. But if you sit on tarmac in a built-up area on a hot summer day, it will be pushing out more heat than sitting on some nice cool grass out in the countryside. Moreover, the terminals at most airports are airconditioned. So they’re blasting out heat from their airconditioning systems, not absorbing it.

When trying to push their ‘global boiling’ narrative, the Met Office and the media often quote temperatures at Heathrow Airport or Kew Gardens. But these two places are regularly significantly hotter than the UK average:

All the Met Office’s 300 or so weather stations are grouped into 5 classes according to how accurate they are judged to be. Class 1 stations are the best and Class 5 the least reliable. Ludicrously, Heathrow Airport is a Class 3 weather station. Moreover, most of the weather stations, whose measurements we are supposed to believe, are Class 3 or lower. Only around 7 percent are Class 1:

And the majority (almost 80 percent) are even more useless than Class 3 Heathrow Airport.

So next time the Met Office or the BBC or a clueless scientifically-challenged politician claims the UK is getting hotter, you can be sure they’re spouting climate-catastrophist nonsense as the weather stations the Met Office uses are about as accurate as a blind darts player.

1 comment to Do any politicians realise that plane engines are hot?

  • There is another good illustration of local high temperatures and that is the track during F1 races.

    There have been several discussions about the “climate crisis” during debates about the party manifestos. There isn’t one party that is not promoting it although some are concerned about the costs of net zero. It has become like a religious faith and it is heresy to challenge it. How much longer before it becomes a crime to deny it?

    I think the only way to change these views is discussion of the fake science that supports it. It isn’t even difficult to understand. The media will not allow such discussion and I cannot see any politician who is willing to discuss it, even if they understand it.

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