
July 2024

Boris, you bloviating buffoon, the Internet never forgets

Wednesday blog

Apologies for anyone who reads The Conservative Woman as you may already have seen this article I had on The Conservative Woman website on Monday/Tuesday:

There was an article in the Daily Mail yesterday titled ‘Boris Johnson blasts Nigel Farage for “morally repugnant” claims on Ukraine and says he’s “parroting Putin’s lies”: Former PM slams Reform leader’s “nauseating drivel”.’ 

In the article Johnson ‘lashed out at the Reform UK leader after he doubled down on his comments that the West was to blame for provoking Russia’s invasion of Ukraine’ due to Nato and EU expansionism ever closer to Russia’s borders.

Johnson branded Farage’s comments ‘nauseating ahistorical drivel and more Kremlin propaganda’ and went on: ‘Nobody can fairly accuse me of being an appeaser. I have never sought to justify Putin’s invasion in any way and I’m not now. . . There is only one person responsible for Russian aggression against Ukraine – both in 2014 and 2022 – and that is Putin. To try to spread the blame is morally repugnant and parroting Putin’s lies.

Now, here’s the front page of the ‘i’ newspaper from Tuesday May 10, 2016:

It reported how a certain Boris Johnson, who looks remarkably similar to our former Prime Minister Bpris Johnson, blamed EU expansionism for the fighting in Ukraine. At the time, Mr Johnson was accused of being a ‘Putin apologist’. This is precisely the same accusation the same Mr Johnson is now making against Nigel Farage.

As Private Eye magazine might ask – ‘are these two Boris Johnsons related? I think we shoud be told’.

Seems like the bloviating, blustering Bunter hasn’t realised that, while our mainstream media may be stricken by a convenient near fatal case of amnesia or even Alzheimers in its desperation to give Farage a punishment beating for telling the truth about the Ukraine mess, the Internet never forgets.

1 comment to Boris, you bloviating buffoon, the Internet never forgets

  • A Thorpe

    The internet might not forget, but it isn’t always the truth we find there.

    There was a discussion on GB News about Farage talking about Ukraine and the view was that he has made a mistake and should be concentrating on UK issues. Time will tell.

    I was considering not voting at the last election but Boris’s promise to get us out of the EU changed my mind. I assume many others thought the same, so he isn’t all bad even though leaving has been shambolic. Last night after watching the leaders debate I decided to vote this time as well. I will be voting for a party I don’t want to see in power in an attempt to keep another out. Something I have always considered the wrong way to vote, but these times justify it. In my constituency it probably won’t make any difference to the final outcome.

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