
July 2024

Should we ever trust our doctors again?

Wednesday-Thursday blog

Hopefully many readers are realising what a disaster the mass vaccination with fake and ineffective Covid-19 supposed vaccines was. It is probable that the vaccines did reduce the number of hospitalisations among the frail and elderly during the first phase of the Covid pandemic. But it is becoming clear that natural immunity and cheap off-patent drugs like Ivermectin were more effective than the fake vaccines in the later stages of the pandemic. Yet our doctors and the medical and political establishment kept forcing the fake vaccines on us.

I suspect that most of the doctors and other vaccine fanboys and fangirls didn’t understand:

  • what the vaccines’ supposed 97% effectiveness actually measured
  • the difference between ‘relative’ and ‘absolute’ risk (which I have exlained in a previous blog)
  • that the vaccines were never even tested against preventing spread of the virus
  • the vaccines should only have been given to a small minority of the population
  • that later mutations of the virus were much less pathogenic than the original strain so there was probably absolutely no need for vaccine booster shots

But here’s a YouTube video from Paul Weston in which he exposes how the vaccine fanatics we saw on our TVs and the medical authorities pushing the vaccines were mostly getting generous payments from the vaccine manufacturers. For me particularly repulsive was a Dr Sarah Jarvis who (as far as I understood) was pushing for children to be vaccinated to supposedly stop the spread of the virus when the vaccines had never been tested to see whether they prevented the spread of the virus. I’ll let you judge whether her recommendation was the result of ignorance, cynicism or genuine belief in the safety and effectiveness of the ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ miracle vaccines:

4 comments to Should we ever trust our doctors again?

  • A Thorpe

    I think it is difficult to judge what is happening. I saw Mattias Desmet interviewed a few days ago. He wrote his book about mass psychosis and is now writing another on what can be done about it. It will be interesting to see what he has to say.

    I don’t understand how it happens but when it does it appears to be a genuine belief. You wouldn’t expect experts to suffer from delusions so is this something new or is it just the attraction of fame or money they get paid that makes them do this? Or is it fear of losing their jobs if they don’t comply with the view of the state?

    Einstein had a view that experts no longer know how to talk to each other because their language has become so specialised and he compared it to the Tower of Babel. Because of this he said they were unable to see a bigger picture. I have wondered whether it is because most experts can be trusted and so they trust other experts without questioning what they say. It is these “rogue” experts who influence the politicians because they tell the politicians what the want to hear and enable them to expand the state and their power.
    It might also be that as our knowledge increases it becomes more difficult to understand a lot of it. People also seem to have less free time to research topics. I got a free PDF of a book on education recently and offered it to a friend with a family of 5. She said she didn’t have the time to read it.

    I watched a documentary/drama about the Salem witch trials. There was no explanation about why the young girls claimed to have seen evidence of witchcraft, but it was a belief at the time. It claimed that it only ended when the wives of the judges were accused of witchcraft. Based on this nothing will change until the people at the top suffer the consequences of creating these policies and imposing them on us.

    But it isn’t difficult to see the lies and you and others regularly simply this for us, starting with your book on climate which avoids complex science, and in the last few days your discussion of the interpretation of the vaccine trials. Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth was shown in schools but how many maths lessons used it to point out that correlation was not a matter of Gore saying it existed. The maths lessons could also discuss the vaccine trials.

    The book on education that I mentioned was written by Murray Rothbard and first published as articles in 1971 and as a book in 1979. It is called Education, Free and Compulsory. Its theme is that state education is just a propaganda machine to turn out compliant citizens. It looks at some early schools which were forcing compliance with religious beliefs such as the schools set up by Martin Luther. Is it really schools that have created this situation, where beliefs rather than evidence determine thinking and they fail to promote the rational analysis of problems?

  • Ern

    AT, you say “most experts can be trusted” … Are you quite sure about that ?

    My own experience is the higher up the pole these folk reach, the more they want.

    MPs are excluded of course.

  • A Thorpe

    Don’t you trust experts? Dentist, doctor, optician, designers of planes, cars, ships that you use. The software developers, etc

  • Ern

    AT, I enjoy and appreciate the work which goes into your posts.

    Of course I trust experts, I used to be one. I don’t trust ALL experts, OK ? Sorry it’s not obvious.

    In any case, Ego te absolvo (you are forgiven).


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