
September 2024

Are our rulers becoming increasingly psychotic?

weekend/Monday blog

The rise of career politicians

It is clear that over the last few decades, there has been a drop in the number of MPs with real-life work experience and a corresponding rise in the number of career politicians who have never experienced anything outside politics. There are numerous academic studies and even a book focused on the rise of career politicians. Just in the 13 years between 1997 and 2010, the percent of MPs from a manual worker background fell from 8.9% to 4%, the percent who came from teaching and lecturing fell from 20% down to 7.8% while the percent who were career politicians rose from 9.5% to 14.3%.

We’d rather be in Davos

This shrinking of the pool from which our poiticians have come has created a new political class who would much rather be in Davos or Brussels hobnobbing with their peers from other countries than spending any time with the ignorant, ill-educated electorate our MPs hope will vote for them. So an increasing gulf has emerged between the political tribes and those they purport to represent. This has led to an atttitude among the ruling classes – politicians, their media sycophants and top civil servants – that they know better what Britain needs and thus they can ignore the wishes of electors. We saw this when the majority of MPs, civil servants and the for-sale prostitutes in the media tried to sabotage and overturn the Brexit vote. This ‘we know best’ was perhaps most obvious in our rulers’ reaction to the lab-made, lab-leaked Chinese flu virus when our rulers locked us in our homes and forced us to have injections which were unnecessary for most of the population and probably did more harm than good. And we see this again in our rulers’ determination to destroy what little is left of the British economy in order to supposedly ‘save the planet’ from the ludicrous idea of ‘global boiling’.

Losing contact with reality

One definition of psychosis is: “a severe mental condition in which thought and emotions are so affected that contact is lost with external reality.” And if we look at some recent actions of our rulers we can see that they are the actions of the madhouse. Let’s take a few examples in no particular order:

mRNA vaccines – these were touted as the miracle technology of the future. And the British, Canadian and Australian governments have recently signed multi-million agreements with Moderna to build mRNA vaccine manufacturing facilities in those countries. Yet there is increasing evidence that mRNA supposed ‘vaccines’ cause a wide variety of harm, especially myocarditis and pericarditis in younger men. But our rulers press on with the mRNA disaster unfazed by what’s happening in reality. (By the way, Moderna is one of the largest shareholdings in the investment company set up by Rishi Sunak before he became PM and our very own Jonathan van Tam has recently gone to work for Moderna).

Banning petrol cars – Britain, the EU and several US states will ban the sale of cheap, efficient, reliable ICE (internal combustion engine) cars by (I think) 2035. Yet there is increasing evidence that the electric vehicle (EV) technology is completely inadequate for most car owners. To list just a few issues: there is insuffient range, the batteries decline in just a few years, they are useless in either hot or cold weather as the airconditioning or the heating depletes the battery range, charging takes too long and there is a risk of ‘thermal runaway’ – an explosive fire breaking out. Several thousand cars have been lost when EVs on two car transport ships suffered thermal runaway and this was probably also the reason for the loss of a car park and over a thousand cars at Luton Airport. But our rulers choose to ignore reality and continue trying to force us into buying useless and possibly dangerous milk floats pretending to be cars.

Fining British car manufacturers – from what little I understand, UK-based car manufacturers will soon face massive fines if they don’t manage to sell sufficient numbers of EVs. These fines will not apply to foreign manufacturers. As most consumers can neither afford nor do they want an EV, you don’t have to be a genius to see that this policy will wipe out the British car industry and with it hundreds of thousands of well-paid, skilled jobs in the idnustry and the supply chain and many thousands of businesses used by those workers. But our rulers don’t seem to understand this or just don’t care.

Fining British boiler manufacturers – similarly, British manufacturers of home heating systems will soon face fines if they don’t manage to sell sufficient numbers of useless, noisy, expensive and complex heat pumps. Foreign manufacturers will be exempt. Several UK manufacturers have already begun increasing the prices of their gas boilers in order to get money to pay the fines. As most consumers can neither afford nor do they want a heat pump, you don’t have to be a genius to see that this policy will wipe out the British home-heating industry. Thousand more British jobs lost. But our rulers don’t seem to understand this or just don’t care.

Wrecking British agriculture – at a time when our population is increasing by over a million a year, our rulers are trying to reduce the amount of food our country produces. Partly they are doing this by encouraging farmers to re-wild their land and partly they are spending billions to cover former agricultural land with largely useless solar farms. Our rulers don’t seem to have noticed that the sun doesn’t shine at night and that Britain is renowned for its miserable weather.

Immigration wrecking our country – our country doesn’t have sufficient homes, doctors, dentists, schools, roads and other essential services. Yet our rulers are bringing over a million often low-skilled, often uneducated, often West-hating migrants into our country each year. I have previously mentioned a dystopian novel from 1972 titled Fugue for a Darkening Island which decsribes civil war breaking out in Britain between indigenous British and migrant millions. With the mass importation of the Third World, our rulers seem to be creating the conditions for the next British civil war.

Oblivious to the catastrophe they are creating – I have written several times about how our rulers spending billions of our money on subsidising expensive and unreliable supposed ‘renewables’ has given Britain some of the world’s highest energy prices. We pay twice as much for our energy as homes and industry in the US and four times as much as in China and India. This is decimating what pathetically little is left of British manufacturing and impoverishing us all. Yet each time there is yet another economic disaster caused by Britain’s high energy prices, our politicians blithely hail this as a great success for their policies.

When the Port Talbot steel plant decided to sack 2,500 workers to close its blast furnaces to become more ‘environmentally friendly’, Business and Trade Secretary, Kemi Badenoch (touted as a possible next leader of what pathetically little is left of the Tory Party after the next election wipeout) mysteriously claimed this calamity was a brilliant move by the Government and a huge success for the British economy: “The U.K. Government is backing our steel sector. This proposal will secure a sustainable future for Welsh steel and is expected to save thousands of jobs in the long term.”

Meanwhile up in Scotland, the part Chinese-owned energy giant Petroineos is going to close its oil refinery in Grangemouth (Scotland) in spring 2025 because it could no longer compete with overseas rivals. Repurposing the site to just a fuel import and distribution business is likely to result in the loss of about 400 of the current 500 jobs at the Firth of Forth site. Neil Gray, the current Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy (yes, there apparently is such a position in the SNP administration), ludicrously claimed this closure of the refinery as a success for Scotland: ‘The Scottish Government is committed to working with industry to secure a sustainable future for Grangemouth that reflects our ambitions for decarbonisation and a just transition for Scotland’s industrial sector while recognising the important role it plays in meeting fuel demand in Scotland’.

Get ready for war – and the latest wheeze from our increasingly deranged rulers is to soften us up for a war with Russia. In previous blogs I have explained that Putin has warned NATO for years that he would not permit NATO bases to be set up on Russia’s borders just as the US would not permit Russian bases on the US’s southern border with Mexico. To me this seems like an entirely reasonable position. Yet our unhinged rulers went ahead and started blethering about Ukraine and Georgia, both of which have long land borders with Russia, joining NATO. Our rulers ignored Putin’s warnings and now over 600,00 young men and thousands more civilians are dead and our rulers hope to vastly increase those numbers by dragging us into a conflict with Russia

When power leads to derangement and psychosis?

The ruling classes (I won’t call them ‘elites’) have become increasingly distanced from those whose lives they are supposed to improve and they have increaingly imposed policies which people neither voted for nor wanted. The Covid pandemic accelerated this process as our rulers were surprised at how using fear and media manipulation (thanks, BBC) they could so easily control our thoughts and actions. This seems to have made our rulers drunk on power and they think up ever more deranged policies which we are forced to accept. I propose that this derangement has reached such a level that it is akin to psychosis: “a severe mental condition in which thought and emotions are so affected that contact is lost with external reality.”

4 comments to Are our rulers becoming increasingly psychotic?

  • val manchee

    Since the same thing is happening in all Western countries, to some degree or another, I have to think that the UN is somehow controlling the narrative and our psychotic politicians have been brainwashed.

  • A Thorpe

    You make an excellent point about lack of work experience, and I think it applies in other areas such as teaching. It is perhaps also important that many people have no experience of working in the private sector and don’t understand what competition means. One of the issues with politicians is their funding. All private funding should be banned in my view. It is the same with regulators. They are not independent and working for us, they are all being bought.

    In relation to the section of losing touch with reality it is completely incomprehensible how anybody can believe and accept such nonsense, regardless of their background or education level. I’m less convinced about it being determined by crowd behaviour. In my lifetime there has been a significant increase in the state support in people’s lives and people who depend on the state are going to support the state whatever it does. There is a proposal that the government should ban under 16’s from having smart phones. What happened to parental responsibility? What might wake people up is increasing poverty, but it will be too late because the damage will be done.

    Elites does seem the wrong word, perhaps clerisy is better. It is said they are using propaganda to generate fear in us to achieve their ends but I suspect they might also be afraid because they don’t seem to have a clue what to do about anything. There is a tipping point of no return, not in climate, but in the feedback loop between academia and politics, perhaps because, as you say, they have no real life experience. I also am inclined to believe that there are too many people and not enough jobs. This has happened with automation and it will increase with AI, plus of course the transfer of jobs to China. China has no concern about carbon dioxide so what we consume has produced it, and we are damaging everything about our private lives to compensate.

    Not mentioned is the increasing violence, not only at a state level, but at a personal level. There is something seriously wrong when teenagers are using knives to kill others. And then there is the economy and the uncontrollable debt.

    Keep up the good work. You are getting to be the only blog worth reading.

    (Not related to this, have you seen the AI conversation that Joseph Postma has on his site about climate change?)

  • Stillreading

    Superb blog, almost every aspect of the idiocy currently dictating to and governing our lives is covered. (The exception being the drive to ever more “woke”, which is now no longer merely ludicrous idiocy, but downright dangerous too in that it is both corrupting the minds of our children and can result in criminal prosecution for people who publicly, in person or in writing via social media, protest against its dictates.) This sudden sinister talk of war and compulsory military service is, one assumes, (hopes?) being deliberately engineered to distract the great unwashed from the slow but inevitable revelation of the damage – irreversible, life-changing and in many cases fatal – which has been done by the jab. Yes, that same jab which Sunak proclaimed this week to be “safe”. I doubt that our rulers are in general becoming more psychotic. I reckon that the upper echelons – Sunak, Cameron, without doubt Blair to name just a few – have been/are being bought by Soros and Gates et al and are doing very nicely, thank you. They will never be short of the odd bob to heat their homes, hire a private jet, or commission whatever method of road transport they deem desirable once the rest of us plebs have been priced off the road. Those further down the food chain, still climbing the greasy pole in the hope of accessing the “halls of power”, have sufficient vanity and self-delusion still to think they might get there, so they certainly won’t speak a word of protest. As for the rest, mainly the financially privileged Oxbridge PPE graduates, they are so scientifically illiterate and, having never worked in the “real world” so gullible, that they will swallow whole the entire “global warming” and “green” garbage without as much as tasting it with the tip of the tongue first. With very few exceptions (Andrew Bridgen being one) our once great Nation is being systematically torn apart, its pathetic remains being washed away down the U bend. Given that shortly the UK will no longer be capable of producing top grade steel, just HOW does the Gvt. think we would ever be able to manufacture the hardware required to provide a fighting force with what it would need?

  • huev

    Parliament %age public school/ Oxford PPE:%age lawyers increase,
    ‘our psychotic politicians have been brainwashed’
    Many have been suborned, not to mention ex politicians ‘influencers’ sucking on the tit Soros et al.

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