
September 2024

The Luton airport carbecue – will we ever be told the truth?

Monday blog

The key point I took from this short video was that the fire was nowhere near the back of the car where the fuel tank would have been situated. So it cannot have been the diesel fuel which was powering the blaze. It seems odd that this more than important detail doesn’t seem to have troubled any of our mainstream-media supposed ‘journalists’, not even those claiming to be motoring experts.

I guess the other key point is the more than suspicious speed and uniformity of all the mainstream media to blame the least flammable of vehicles – a diesel car – and the failure of any mainstream-media journalist to question the fire chief’s claim that the fire started in a diesel car. What happened to investigative journalism? I guess it no longer exists when the subject is the ludicrous Net Zero and supposed anthropogenic climate change.

Anyway, as ever more Exploding Vehicles get sold and more multi-storey car parks and other buildings with parking in their basements spontaneously combust, maybe a new word – ‘Carbecue’ – will enter the English language?

The whole world is laughing at us as the West impoverishes itself for no reason at all:

5 comments to The Luton airport carbecue – will we ever be told the truth?

  • david brown

    I have posted comments about this on national papers – readers comments eg Daily Mail with mention of this blog.
    Many people seem to agree .
    Maybe people reading this could go to national papers
    such as Mirror /Telegraph and post comments – link to this blog.The lack of press coverage in itself is interesting.

  • A Thorpe

    We should be asking who is preventing the truth being told. Has somebody influenced the fire chief to lie about this? What does Luton Airport have to say about it? What is the media doing to get to the truth, nothing, because the journalists do what the owners tell them to do.

    It is easier to understand the problems that Galileo faced when dealing with the church over the heliocentric solar system, but the truth from the application of science won in the end. We now live in more astonishing times where scientific truth is being denied to support ideologies. Even universities are corrupting science. It is the same with economics which does have established theories but they are mostly ignored by politicians who prefer to use the modern interpretation of money clipping, ie. printing worthless money. It is no wonder that Ayn Rand said that politicians shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the economy. Provided that the masses have their entertainment and “free” services they don’t care.

  • Stillreading

    Just be patient. The truth about the carbecue will out eventually, just as it will about damage caused by the faux vax, anthropogenic “global boiling” and the idiocy of net zero. Even before seeing today’s explanatory video, it must have been abundantly evident to anyone with understanding of both vehicle design and how various substances burn and who saw the original video of the conflagration that it most certainly did and originate in the region of the fuel tank, neither was it diesel which was burning at that stage. So unless someone deliberately placed an external incendiary device under that vehicle, the cause of the fire was unquestionably the spontaneous combustion of its battery. I note that although the MSM are stating to what they hope will be a gullible public that the car was a “diesel” vehicle – which it could well have been – little or no mention has been made of it being a diesel-fuelled hybrid and that consequently a large part of its chassis would have been its integral battery. For many years, when I was regularly driving around my family and later my grandchildren, I preferred diesel cars, not only for the then cheaper fuel and general economy, but because I always had it in the back of my mind that in the event of a serious accident, given diesel’s reluctance to ignite, I would have that bit longer to get everyone out before the vehicle went up in flames. With what we are now learning about EVs, no way would I wish ever to drive one, own one, park one on my drive or in my garage adjacent to my house. In their present incarnation they are a diabolical invention – excessive weight so wear out tyres and destroy tarmac, thereby increasing particulate emissions from aforesaid, ridiculously low range before “refuelling” is required, said refuelling takes hours rather than minutes – IF you can find a charging point which is working and available – absence of publicly available recharging points. That’ll do for starters to put most sensible people off I imagine! Then add the impossibility of strengthening all multi-storey parking areas – such as the one at Luton – so that the elevated levels can withstand the weight of hundreds of EVs. And don’t even get me started on the slave conditions in which little children are working to mine the minerals required for the EV batteries, all to enable the virtue-signalling chattering classes to polish their “green” credentials. Every bit as hypocritical as those who glue themselves to roads, disrupting normal life for working people and impeding passage of life-saving emergency vehicles, while sporting jackets and waving banners made from oil derivatives!

  • Stillreading

    Typo in above. Should read “it most certainly did NOT originate in the region of the fuel tank”

  • Val Manchee

    When you consider the globalist lies that are told daily, and the truth that is withheld under punishment of imprisonment or death, this one is just a fib.

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