
October 2024

Is the NHS too brown?

Friday/weekend blog

It’s now apparently acceptable to accuse the Royal Family of being ‘terribly white’ or ‘too white’ or whatever. In fact, it’s not only acceptable, but saying this makes one a courageous, outspoken hero for the BBC and the progressive left. So, I assume it would also be acceptable for me to suggest that our beloved NHS may be ‘terribly brown’ or ‘too brown’.

Let me explain. I have written several blogs about our collapsing NHS’s seeming obsession with hiring DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equality) managers. The apparent purpose of these wonderful people is (to quote just one of many similar job ads): “ensuring our workforce reflects the communities and patients we serve in order that we can meet the needs of our diverse communities”.

So, let’s do a quick check on how well current NHS staffing: “reflects the communities and patients we serve”.

Of the NHS’s 1.3 million employees, 74.3% are white compared to 80.7% of the working-age population and 87.1% of the total population; 12.5% are Asian compared to 10.1% of the working-age population and 6.9% of the total population; and 7.4% are Black compared to only 4.4% of the working-age population and 3.0% of the total population.

Between 2009 and 2022, the percentage of NHS staff who were white went down from 84.1% to 74.3% and the percentage of NHS staff who were Asian shot up from 7.3% to 12.5%  –  the biggest increase out of all ethnic groups

The first conclusion is that the NHS actually has a greater percentage of employees from ethnic minorities (25.6%) than in the working-age population (20.2%) and than in the general population. So, if the NHS is going to reflect the communities it serves, as it claims it wants to do, then clearly the NHS should employ more White people and fewer Asians and Blacks.

But, you say, aren’t most of the NHS ethnic minorities doing the more menial jobs while evil, ghastly white supremacists take all the top, best-paid jobs?

Well, here are the figures:

For professionally qualified clinical staff, only 68.7% were white compared to 80.7% of the working-age population and 87.1% of the total population; 15.9% were Asian compared to 10.1% of the working-age population and 6.9% of the total population; and 8.0% were black compared to only 4.4% of the working-age population and 3.0% of the total population.

Let’s just do one more category – qualified doctors: a mere 50.1% were White compared to 80.7% of the working-age population and 87.1% of the total population; an impressive 32.0% were Asian compared to 10.1% of the working-age population and 6.9% of the total population; and 5.9% were Black compared to only 4.4% of the working-age population and 3.0% of the total population.

All these figures and many more are available in glorious technicolour charts on the Government website at:

In summary, among all staff and in particular medical staff, Whites are under-represented, Asians are hugely over-represented and Blacks also score well compared to their part of the working age and general population.

Given the under-representation of Whites compared to their share of the working age population and general population and the over-representation of Asians and Blacks, some people might find it somewhat mysterious that the NHS spends an estimated £100 million a year on over 800 DIE (Diversity, Inclusion and Equality) specialists and is currently busy hiring even more of these probably unnecessary people on salaries that our struggling NHS can possibly ill afford.
Coming back to the politically-incorrect question that nobody nowadays would dare ask for fear of being branded a ‘racist’: “Is the NHS terribly brown?” or “Is the NHS too brown?” – the official figures from the UK Government suggest the answer can only be “yes”.

5 comments to Is the NHS too brown?

  • Ian J

    Once again, You have the courage to ask the questions those in ‘authority’ don’t want to hear, let alone answer!

    Keep it up!

  • A Thorpe

    There was an item on the news yesterday, I think about Liverpool council adverting for posts requiring them to be black. What does “reflects the communities and patients we serve” mean? Change “patients” to suit other work and the same mantra is used.

    I don’t want to be treated by somebody who is the same gender as me, looks like me and knows as little as I do about health care. I want somebody who knows what they are doing, and that applies to every situation. It is skills for the job that matter.

    The obsession with equality whatever aspect is being discussed is nonsense and causing problems. We are not equal and never can be. If we were all equal we will not all be Einstein’s we will all be ignorant. It is diversity that has given us the knowledge we have acquired. It is the same with equal pay, it cannot work. The real problem with pay is that we don’t value the people who are doing some of the “dirty” jobs – emptying dustbins, cleaning the sewers, filling in potholes, etc. But without them we would be living in a stinking mess and the diseases that it would create.

    I agree with Ian’s comment about your blog.

  • Eric Legge

    The whole of Christendom is now dominated by rubber-stamp politicians and authorities that have attained their positions by the application of equality legislation.

    The first work they do is to make it as difficult as possible for the best people to become the politicians and authorities. That is the only way that these low-order (in every sense) mediocrities can attain any power. Just look at the wokeness of the Met.

    They are applying the deliberate method that Christianity was purposefully and successfully designed to do – get rid of the Roman Empire. That method is to put the last first and the first last. If it is done, it will invert any culture and put the garbage on top. Everything in the Christendom has been inverted. Just look at how feminisation and Africanisation is being employed.

    Nietzsche called the weak useless people who use equality to come to power the Tarantulas of the spirit in his book “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”.

    Here is a link to a YouTube video in which Jordan Peterson reads the section of that book called “Of the Tarantulas”.

    Friedrich Nietzsche – On the Tarantulas –

  • NoVaxxholeMe

    While I was watching the video on the Tarantulas read by Jordan Peterson, I saw another video featured that deals with the need for solitude and about the section of Thus Spoke Zarathustra called: “Of the flies of the marketplace”, which the woke people obviously are.

    But here is a link to another video that explains why C.G. Jung and Jordan Peterson were wrong about Nietzsche being wrong to say that an individual can create his own values. An excellent explanation, in my opinion.

    By the way there are literally hundreds and thousands of articles and videos that discuss the various aspects of Nietzsche’s books.

    What Jordan Peterson Gets Wrong About Nietzsche –

  • NoVaxxholeMe

    Sorry, I must have entered that link incorrectly. Here its is:

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