
March 2025

January 2016 – just another month of slaughter by the Religion of Peace

(Weekend blog) January 2016 is almost over. So let’s look back and see what contribution the Religion of Peace has made to humanity over the last 30 days. During this time period, there were 133 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in which 1,777 people were killed and 1,516 injured.

The crazy Muzzies blame the Jews and Israel for all their troubles. But only around 4 of the 1,777 people killed in the name of the Religion of Peace in 23 countries in January were Jews. In fact, more Buddhists were murdered by mouth-frothing Muzzies in Thailand than Jews were killed by mouth-frothing Muzzies in Israel.

The majority of those slaughtered in January by Allahu-Akhbar-screaming imbeciles were other Muzzies. There were also loads of Christians murdered – mostly in Africa and the Middle East. And, of course, a few Hindus were killed in India. So, in a typical month Allahu-Akhbar-screaming morons kill Jews, Christians, Hindus and other M*sl*ms, all in the name of their putrid book and their ludicrous paedophile prophet. And every time, they claim they are victims.

Then, once you add in thousand (maybe tens of thousands) s of rapes committed by M*sl*ms but never reported in Third-World countries and committed by M*sl*ms but covered up by European governments in European countries, you could almost get the impression that the Religion of Peace is actually a perverted, violent, intolerant, murderous, dangerous, bloody death cult and a curse on all of humanity.

One of the most politically-incorrect comments I’ve read this year was a suggestion that we should ship all M*sl*ms (wherever they’ve come from) to the Middle East, nuke the place then air-drop in a load of monkeys to give evolution another chance in the hope that evolution would never make the same mistake of coming up with something as awful as *sl*m a second time.

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2016.01.28 Cameroon Kerawa 4 12 Two suicide bombers murder four people at a school.
2016.01.28 Yemen Aden 11 10 A Fedayeen suicide car bombing kills eleven, including two children.
2016.01.27 Nigeria Chibok 16 32 Suicide bombers send shrapnel through sixteen innocents at a vegetable market.
2016.01.25 Cameroon Bodo 32 86 Dozens of shoppers are torn to shreds when three suicide bombers detonate at entrances to a market.
2016.01.25 Syria Aleppo 23 24 Two dozen people are blown up by a suicide bomber in a fuel truck.
2016.01.25 Israel Beit Horon 1 1 Two women are stabbed in a grocery by Palestinian terrorists.
2016.01.24 Nigeria Babangida 1 0 An elderly man is killed by Boko Haram as they are burning down his home.
2016.01.23 Iraq Fallujah 10 0 Ten young boys are summarily executed for attempting to escape the caliphate.
2016.01.23 Pakistan Bhal Syeda 1 0 A Shiite is beheaded by radical Sunnis
2016.01.21 Libya Sitre 3 0 Three men are executed for apostasy.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people lose their lives when terrorists set off a bomb at a popular restaurant.
2016.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis bomb a commercial district, killing two bystanders.
2016.01.21 Egypt Giza 10 13 ISIS claims a bombing at a tourist area that leaves ten others dead.
2016.01.21 Somalia Mogadishu 20 20 Gunmen shout praises to Allah as they slaughter patrons at a beach-side restaurant during an attack that began with a suicide bombing.
2016.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2016.01.20 Pakistan Charsadda 31 19 Gunmen storm a university and shout praises to Allah while massacring over thirty civilians.
2016.01.20 Afghanistan Kabul 7 24 Seven TV station employees burn to death after a Shahid suicide bomber slams into their minibus.
2016.01.19 Iraq Baqubah 14 0 Fourteen young people are tortured and executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.19 Iraq Mopti 3 0 Jihadists gun down three local cops.
2016.01.19 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A woman is stoned to death for adultery.
2016.01.19 Pakistan Jamrud 12 39 Twelve people at a market, including a child, are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.19 Thailand Songkhla 1 8 Muslim ‘insurgents’ set off a bomb at a restaurant that kills a 28-year-old woman.
2016.01.18 Yemen Aden 1 0 A judge is assassinated near his home by Islamists on a motorbike.
2016.01.18 Turkey Kilis 1 1 An employee is killed when ISIS hits a school with a rocket.
2016.01.18 Cameroon Nguetchewe 4 2 A suicide bomber hits a rival mosque, taking out four woshippers.
2016.01.18 Thailand Raman 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2016.01.18 Thailand Thepa 1 7 A woman is killed when suspected terrorists toss a hand grenade into a restaurant.
2016.01.17 Israel Otniel 1 0 A mother of six children is stabbed to death in her home by an Arab terrorist.
2016.01.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 13 14 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a house, killing thirteen occupants.
2016.01.17 Yemen Aden 11 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams a bus into the home of a policeman, killing eleven.
2016.01.17 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine local police are shot dead by Taliban insiders.
2016.01.16 Syria Aleppo 4 55 Four residents bleed out following a Sunni rocket attack.
2016.01.16 Syria al-Fu’ah 1 5 A civilian is dismantled by a terrorist rocket.
2016.01.16 Iraq al-Furat 1 0 An accused homosexual is flung from a roof by Religion of Peace proponents.
2016.01.16 Iraq Hajj Ali 19 0 Nineteen civilians are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2016.01.16 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are burned alive on charges of betraying Islam.
2016.01.16 Somalia Burhakabo 2 0 A young ice factory worker is among two people executed by al-Shabaab.
2016.01.16 Syria Baghaliyeh 300 400 Three hundred people are reported massacred during an ISIS assault on a small town featuring a suicide blast and ‘door-to-door’ beheadings.
2016.01.15 Somalia El-Adde 63 0 al-Shabaab claims to have killed over sixty peacekeepers in a suicide bombing at a base.
2016.01.15 Mali Timbuktu 2 3 Two guards are killed when terrorists ambush an aid convoy.
2016.01.15 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 29 56 Dozens of tourists from eighteen countries are massacred by Islamic extremists shouting praises to Allah at a luxury hotel.
2016.01.15 Syria Hasakah 2 6 A suicide bomber takes out two bystanders in a residential neighborhood.
2016.01.15 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A Sunnic cleric is assassinated by Shia militia.
2016.01.15 Mali Dioura 1 0 A guard is killed when gunmen attack a market, shouting praises to Allah.
2016.01.15 Libya Bin Jawad 3 0 At least three residents are beheaded after Muslim extremists take over a town.
2016.01.15 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are burned alive by the Islamic State.
2016.01.14 Indonesia Jakarta 4 20 Four suicide bombers attack a shopping and restaurant district, managing to kill four civilians.
2016.01.14 Yemen Aden 4 0 Four policemen are killed by Jihadists in two separate attacks.
2016.01.13 Afghanistan Badghis 1 0 A man is executed by the Taliban on charges of adultery.
2016.01.13 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people at a market are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2016.01.13 Cameroon Kolofata 10 11 Two female suicide bombers detonate at a rival mosque, taking out ten worshippers.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Quetta 15 24 A Shahid suicide bomber slaughters fifteen people at a polio clinic.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Jalalabad 7 7 Seven other people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2016.01.13 Thailand Yala 2 1 Muslim ‘insurgents’ ambush and kill a local cop as well as a maid.
2016.01.13 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 0 Five women and 1 man are slaughtered in their own home by suspected moral fundamentalists.
2016.01.13 Pakistan Lahore 1 1 A 17-year-old girl is killed after telling a group of Muslim men that she would not have sex with them because she is a devout Christian.
2016.01.12 Iraq Baqubah 4 1 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2016.01.12 Turkey Istanbul 11 15 A Syrian ‘refugee’ with a suicide vest self-detonates in a bustling tourist area, slaughtering ten bystanders, including eight Germans.
2016.01.12 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Two journalists are shot to death by terrorists.
2016.01.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 10 0 Ten people are shot to death by sectarian militia.
2016.01.11 Pakistan Derai 2 0 Two local cops are shot to death by religious radicals.
2016.01.11 Pakistan Rabwa 1 0 A religious minority is brutally slain by suspected Islamists.
2016.01.11 Iraq Muqdadiya 23 51 Two dozen Iraqis are torn limb from limb by a couple of well-placed bombs at a crowded coffee shop.
2016.01.11 Syria Aleppo 3 2 Three children are disassembled by a Sunni rocket.
2016.01.11 Afghanistan Khost 3 8 Fundamentalists fire a rocket into a secondary school, killing three pupils.
2016.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 18 50 Religious radicals stage a suicide assault on a shopping mall, killing at least eighteen innocents with bombs and bullets.
2016.01.11 France Marseille 0 1 A Jewish teacher is attacked with a machete ‘in the name of Allah.’
2016.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 An ISIS bomb blast leaves seven suburbanites dead.
2016.01.11 Afghanistan Mirzakhil 3 2 The Taliban set off a bomb near a school, killing two bystanders.
2016.01.11 Iraq Nineveh 85 0 Eighty-five Iraqis are arrested and executed by caliphate firing squads.
2016.01.10 Syria Faisaliyah 5 0 The Islamic State lines up and crushes five civilians under a bulldozer for the crime of ‘apostasy’
2016.01.10 Nigeria Madagali 7 0 Seven villagers are beheaded by Sharia proponents.
2016.01.09 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 2 0 Two women are ‘honor-killed’ by their families for alleged sexual behavior.
2016.01.09 Egypt Giza 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by ISIS.
2016.01.09 Iraq Ghazlani 80 0 Eighty Iraqi civilians are executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2016.01.09 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two fathers are executed for not allowing their teen daughters to be married off to caliphate members.
2016.01.09 Iraq Jbala 3 2 Sectarian militia storm a home and shoot three people to death, including a woman.
2016.01.08 Iraq Haditha 18 7 Eighteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a caliphate suicide bomber.
2016.01.08 Pakistan Gulshan-e-noor 1 0 A 45-year-old man is murdered for no reason than his status as a Shiite.
2016.01.08 Lebanon Arsal 1 0 Masked terrorists fire on a married couple, killing the man and injuring his wife.
2016.01.08 Iraq Zummar 16 3 Well-placed ISIS shells kill sixteen Iraqis in a residential neigborhood.
2016.01.08 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university students are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.08 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A woman is publicly executed her own son on charges of leaving the Islamic faith.
2016.01.08 Afghanistan Nangarhar 7 0 A local soldier is among seven people beheaded by ISIS.
2016.01.07 Bangladesh Jhenaidah 1 0 A convert to Christianity is ‘eliminated’ by devout Muslims for leaving Islam.
2016.01.07 Libya Ras 7 11 A Shahid suicide bomber at an oil facility takes seven others with him.
2016.01.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six Iraqis are shot to death by caliphate members for using the Internet on their phones.
2016.01.07 Pakistan Shaktoi 4 0 Four displaced refugees are murdered by Taliban gunmen.
2016.01.07 Egypt Hurghada 0 3 Three tourists are among the casualties of a suicide attack on a hotel.
2016.01.07 USA Philadelphia, PA 0 1 A man shoots a police officer three times ‘in the name of Islam’.
2016.01.07 Libya Zliten 65 200 A massive suicide truck bomb at a police training facility kills dozens of young recruits during their graduation ceremony.
2016.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An al-Shabaab mortar leaves one civilian dead and another seriously wounded.
2016.01.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A displaced person is beheaded by suspected Boko Haram
2016.01.06 Iraq Dawra 2 7 Two civilians are liquidated along a city street by Muslim bombers.
2016.01.06 Syria Damascus 8 4 Eight civilians bleed out following a Jaish al-Islam mortar hit on their neighborhood.
2016.01.06 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A35-year-old woman is put up against a wall and shot to death by ISIS.
2016.01.05 Syria Manbij 1 0 A 21-year-old woman is tortured to death by a female fundamentalist for a dress code violation.
2016.01.05 Egypt Sinai 4 0 ISIS-linked terrorists fire a rocket that claims four lives.
2016.01.05 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 A peace activist is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2016.01.05 Nigeria Izgeki 2 0 Two people are riddled with bullets by Boko Haram on bicycles.
2016.01.05 Nigeria Wv Lamora Ray 7 12 A suicide bomber detonates at a market, slaughtering seven bystanders.
2016.01.05 Libya al-Sidra 7 25 Seven more oil port guards are killed during an attack by ISIS militants.
2016.01.05 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 1 0 A 7-year-old Christian boy is kidnapped, raped and killed by ‘influential’ Muslims.
2016.01.04 Iraq Hillah 1 0 Shiite radicals attack a Sunni mosque and kill a guard.
2016.01.04 Iraq Iskandariya 1 0 A Sunni cleric is shot to death in a targeted attack by Shia rivals.
2016.01.04 Libya al-Sidra 2 16 Two others are killed by suicide car bombers at a oil port.
2016.01.04 Nigeria Udeni Ruwa 8 0 At least eight others are killed when Muslim terrorists attack two villages.
2016.01.04 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Asfandi 5 0 Five Afghans are pulled from a bus and murdered by the Taliban.
2016.01.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 20 One other person is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber at a hotel entrance.
2016.01.04 Yemen Aden 1 0 A Sufi imam is assassinated by Sunni extremists while leaving his mosque.
2016.01.04 Iraq Haditha 11 30 At least eleven Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2016.01.04 Nigeria Gwoza 26 10 Over two dozen villagers are massacred by Islamists disguised as soldiers, who opened fire after luring the victims from their homes.
2016.01.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded by a Sharia court on charges of ‘apostasy’.
2016.01.04 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 Fundamentalists put an alleged prostitute in the ground and stone her to death.
2016.01.04 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 A mass grave containing forty ISIS execution victims is discovered.
2016.01.03 Syria Raqqa 15 0 Fifteen ‘moderates’ are beheaded by caliphate members.
2016.01.03 Syria Raqqa 5 0 Five British ‘kuffar’ are executed by the Islamic State.
2016.01.03 Iraq Tikrit 19 22 ISIS suicide bombers kill nineteen Iraqis.
2016.01.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A suicide bomber kills one other person at a restaurant.
2016.01.03 Pakistan Naushero Feroz 1 0 A conservative family has a younger brother shoot a daughter to death for marrying without their permission.
2016.01.03 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university students are executed in cold blood by ISIS.
2016.01.03 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 1 Shiite radicals open fire on the home of a Sunni, killing him and wounding an 8-year-old child.
2016.01.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A female activist is executed by the caliphate.
2016.01.02 India Pathankot 7 0 Jaish-e-Mohammad stage a suicide attack on an Indian air base that leaves seven others dead.
2016.01.02 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Sharia proponents throw grenades into a police station, killing three occupants.
2016.01.01 Syria Deir ez-Sor 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is thrown to his death from a roof by Sharia enthusiasts for ‘being gay’.
2016.01.01 Afghanistan Kabul 2 15 A suicide bomber strikes a French restaurant, killing two patrons, including a 12-year-old boy.
2016.01.01 Israel Tel Aviv 2 6 An Arab terrorist carrying a Quran fires into bars and restaurants, killing two innocents.
2016.01.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamists fire on a group of aid workers, killing one.
2016.01.01 France Valence 0 2 Two other people are injured when a Muslim deliberately rams French guards outside a mosque.
2016.01.01 Iraq Ramadi 3 17 Ten ISIS suicide bombers manage to kill only three other people.
2016.01.01 Iraq Ramadi 12 0 The bodies of twelve civilian victims of ISIS executions are discovered.
2016.01.01 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 A taxi driver is shot to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2016.01.01 Libya Tripoli 300 0 Three-hundred West African migrants are reportedly rounded up by ISIS and executed.
2015.12.31 Egypt Rafah 5 1 A 5-year-old girl is among a family of five crushed in their home by an Islamist shell.
2015.12.30 Dagestan Derbent 1 10 ISIS claims an attack in which machine-gun fire was poured into a group of tourists, hitting eleven.
2015.12.30 Iraq Aski 120 0 The remains of over one-hundred victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.

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