
September 2024

Is this the worst-written, most patronising, insulting email you’ve ever seen?

Many thanks to all those who sent me links about the wonderful future facing us as our continent becomes increasingly *sl*micised. As I wrote yesterday, I believe this is the most important challenge facing us. However, to avoid becoming monotonous, I thought it important to write about other things – both serious and trivial.

Today, hopefully to lighten my normal mood of gloom and doom, I wanted to show an email I’ve received from the publishers of a magazine called MoneyWeek. As usual, they’re trying to flog some overpriced investment newsletter almost guaranteed to lose you money. After all, if the MoneyWeek newsletter writers really knew how to get rich, why would they waste their time telling other people?

I found the email jaw-droppingly amateurish, patronising and insulting and would never buy anything from a company that wrote to me using such a condescending tone:

You’re beginning to
worry me

Dear David Craig,

Did you miss our offer?

I only ask since my records show that you haven’t followed the scores of investors who’ve made a huge saving on their new MoneyWeek subscription.

Secure your discount here.

Editor-in-Chief Merryn, Editor John and I have devised a quick and simple way to give you access to our most exclusive research. It was right after our recent discussion on where the biggest growth opportunities now lie for you as a UK investor.

For Merryn, that’s China. For John, it’s solar power and alternative energy.

They’re both long-term, wealth-buildings ideas – exactly the kind of common sense advice we’ve always published in MoneyWeek… and the kind of advice that is so hard to find elsewhere in Britain.

So why not lock in your discount now and secure your subscription today?

I can’t make it much easier for you. Let’s review: You’re being offered a big discount on the regular price – and world-class investment ideas from some of Britain’s brightest financial minds delivered directly to your post box each week.

If you’ve already taken advantage of the offer, then please excuse the intrusion on your day.

But if you haven’t, I hope you’ll forgive me for being blunt: if you don’t take this offer, maybe you’re not as serious about investing as you thought.

I cannot imagine why you wouldn’t take advantage of this offer.

If something else is holding you back, let me make it simple. If you ARE serious about improving your financial life and making better-informed investment decisions, then it’s not complicated.

The single-most important step you can take toward a more secure financial future is getting high-quality advice and information from people who genuinely care about your welfare.

If you read the interview I sent you a few days ago, you know Merryn and John could easily be making hundreds of thousands of pounds working in the City for a big firm. But they don’t. They write the magazine each week for everyday investors like you. Why?

Because they believe in MoneyWeek. They believe that you, like all British investors, deserve unbiased and useful ideas you can actually put to work for you.

That’s what the magazine is about. And having known them both for the last ten years, I know how committed they are to the project. That’s why I’m asking you to commit today. And I’ve made it as easy as possible.

Subscribe to MoneyWeek today.

If you’re still not sure, that’s fine. It’s unlikely there’s anything I can say at this point to change your mind.

But if you enjoy reading Merryn and John’s work – and want to know where the see the biggest investment gains coming over the next decade – then I strongly suggest you at least read their recent interviews.

Click here to do so.

All the best,

Dan Denning
Publisher, MoneyWeek

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