
February 2025

My latest book THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL has just been released

This is just to inform you that my latest book THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL has been released today.

In order to get the book out quickly, my agent proposed that it be done as a “Kindle Single” on Amazon. A “Kindle Single” is a short book – less than 30,000 words compared to a standard book which is usually 60,000 words or more. If we had gone to a traditional publisher, we’d have had to wait 8 to 10 months before the book was published. Also a “Kindle Single” is much cheaper than a traditional book.

You DON’T have to have a Kindle Reader to read the book. You can download the Kindle Reader app completely free of charge from Amazon at It can be downloaded to any device – computer, PC, laptop, tablet, iphone or other kind of phone. You just go to the link above and choose your device then the free app will download in a few seconds. Then you can buy and read any Kindle book.

After that you go to where you can buy and download THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL to read whenever and wherever you wish.

Britain’s bloated charity industry claims that almost £70bn of the £80bn it takes and spends each year is used for ‘charitable purposes’. But in reality probably less than half of the charity industry’s £80bn a year actually goes to ‘good causes’. The rest is spent on executives, managers, administration, political campaigning and fundraising.

It’s time the truth about Britain’s bloated, self-serving charity industry was revealed. That’s what THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL tries to do.

Many thanks to those readers who support this site by buying copies.

9 comments to My latest book THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL has just been released

  • NoMore

    You have a sale. Thank you – don’t know where you find the time!

  • Peter

    Jolly good David, you have made it to the pages of the Mail on Sunday ..Keep up the good work exposing all Trough Feeders

  • The Great Charity Scandal is currently being sold exclusively as a “Kindle Single”. According to this post, this is “in order to get the book out quickly… if we had gone to a traditional publisher, we’d have had to wait 8 to 10 months before the book was published… a “Kindle Single” is much cheaper than a traditional book”. This is strange, given that EVERY SINGLE BOOK that David has written in part or in whole that appears on the right-hand-side “Discover Our Books” bar is available physically and not just as a downloadable book from a e-bookstore (some of them MAY be offered as a downloadable book, but this is IN ADDITION TO the physical copies available).

    Are there any plans in the near or distant future to attempt to sell this as a physical book as well as a “Kindle Single” for those who at least want their book on a bookshelf and not just on a super-dooper-advanced e-book-reader whatchamacallit, at the (clearly stated above) risk of having to wait a long time? At least there is always the “Kindle Single”, of course.

  • Firstly, you can read the book on any device – computer, PC, laptop, phone etc. You don’t need any kind of special Kindle or ebook reader. Just follow the link to download the app.
    Secondly, the book was originally written as a full-length book for paperback publication. I had to cut out about 15,000 words to turn it into a Kindle Single
    Thirdly – I prefer physical books myself, but now that the book has been put out as a Kindle Single it’s unlikely any traditional publisher will take it.

  • Dear David. I suspect that you have covered many more aspects of the charity money fiascp. I would like to discuss with you something that I actually think is more concerning. I will hopefully hear from you. Thank you.

  • Keen Reader

    It IS possible to get Amazon to make print copies to order of self-published books. I don’t know exactly how it works, but as far as I know, the author submits an electronic copy – including any illustrations – to Amazon, who then supply print copies to order. This is as well, of course, to the Kindle market. My own son has done this – he has written a thriller series, the first of which is certainly available in print; I have a copy. The follow-ups will be available in print form later in the year. The cost is not great to the author, who has to do all the proof reading and is responsible for typing errors etc. and the profit to the author is correspondingly minimal, but it is a way of getting oneself known and one’s work read. My son has also written several childrens’ books primarily for his own small children, but they also are available in print and I have been able to purchase several copies for friends’ grandchildren.
    So don’t let yourself get discouraged; keep up the good work. And you’ve just got yourself another sale – it’s downloading to my Kindle at this moment.
    (I don’t know what Kindle Single means, but normal Kindle price is £3.99 which seems excellent value to me.)

  • You’re right that almost all Amazon Kindle books are also available in print through what’s called “Print on Demand” – a copy gets printed each time a customer buys. But Amazon don’t do this for Kindle Singles. By the way, they are called “Kindle Singles” because they are shorter than full books.

  • Jacqueline Culleton

    Hi there

    I’m writing from one of the charities cited in your article, Forum for the Future.

    Contrary to what your article says, we were not involved in the Climate Change Act in 2008, and we are not funded by taxpayers.

    Can you please give me a call to discuss this – urgently – on 07738 726 831.


  • michael

    Why not also sell on ebay. I’ve had my amazon account for a long time and have forgotten all the security details, so now amazon won’t let me purchase unless I first jump through their hoops. Refuse to do it.

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