
October 2024

Will you be blackmailed into voting for Cameron in 2015?

We all know what Lynton Crosby’s strategy is to get us to vote for Dodgy Dave Cameron in 2015 – fear. The Tories know Cameron has nothing positive to offer us. So, the Tory strategy has to be to try to blackmail us into voting for them with the ‘Vote UKIP, Get Miliband!’ scare campaign.

We’ve seen this again after Douglas Carswell’s defection to UKIP – the Tory press was full of articles claiming things like ‘Carswell has made a Miliband win more likely’. The idea is to make us feel guilty about possibly allowing a Miliband/Balls victory as if it was our fault. But hold on a minute….

Who increased public spending while promising to cut it? Cameron. Who doubled our national debt from £700bn to £1.4trn and rising? Cameron. Who increased immigration while promising to cut it? Cameron. Who has continuously insulted and derided his core voters? Cameron. Who lied to us about why he introduced single-sex marriage, claiming ‘it was the right thing to do’ when in fact it was a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights which forced him to do it? Cameron. Who didn’t have the balls to stand up to schoolboy Clegg over constituency boundary reform? Cameron. Who tried to get Britain to fight alongside the Isl*mic State militants to overthrow Assad in Syria? Cameron. Whose promise of an EU renegotiation is a sham because he knows he’ll never get agreement from the champagne socialists running the EU? Cameron.

Who is just a shallow, lying, self-serving, PR spiv who has protected his banker friends while squeezing the rest of us as part of his laughably insincere ‘we’re all in this together’ politics? Cameron.

Yet, the Tory strategy is to blame us voters if Miliband gets elected.

If the Tories want to win the next election, the answer is staring them in the face – do a deal with UKIP. If the Tories give UKIP say 20 safe seats and UKIP don’t stand against the Tories in the other 300 or so where a Tory/UKIP alliance could win, then the Tory/UKIP alliance would thrash lightweight Europhiliac Miliband and his economically-illiterate, financially-incontinent, self-deluded would-be chancellor Balls.

projected share

So, whose fault is it if Miliband wins in 2015? Not mine. Not yours. It’s only Cameron’s fault and the fault of the Tory MPs who haven’t the courage to push Cameron into a winning alliance with UKIP.

Don’t get blackmailed by Lynton Crosby and the panicking Tories.

Vote out of hope for something better, not from fear of something worse!

Oooh – that’s quite a good line. Perhaps UKIP should use it to counter the coming Tory scare campaign?

don't blame me

As for my book exposing Britain’s charities – THE GREAT CHARITY SCANDAL – to finance the production and marketing all I need is for just one reader a day to buy a copy of either GREED UNLIMITED or DON’T BUY IT! for themselves and a couple of copies for friends for the next 3 months. Is that really too much to ask?

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